本资源库随论文Let's Verify Step by Step一起发布,并介绍了其中引入的 PRM800K 数据集。PRM800K 是一个过程监督数据集,包含 MATH数据集中由模型生成的问题解决方案的 800,000 个步骤级正确性标签。有关 PRM800K 和该项目的更多信息,请参阅论文。
We are releasing the raw labels as well as the instructions we gave labelers during phase 1 and phase 2 of the project. Example labels can be seen in the image below.
文件夹包含我们的标签,格式为新行分隔的 "json "数据列表。这些数据是通过 Git LFS 上传的,你需要安装它才能正确克隆版本库。
// UUID representing a particular labeler.
"labeler": "340d89bc-f5b7-45e9-b272-909ba68ee363",
// The timestamp this trajectory was submitted.
"timestamp": "2023-01-22T04:34:27.052924",
// In phase 2, we split our data collection into generations, using our best
// PRM so far to pick which solutions to score in the next generation.
// In phase 1, this value should always be null.
"generation": 9,
// In each generation, we reserve some solutions for quality control. We serve
// these solutions to every labeler, and check that they agree with our
// gold labels.
"is_quality_control_question": false,
// generation -1 was reserved for a set of 30 questions we served every
// labeler in order to screen for base task performance.
"is_initial_screening_question": false,
// Metadata about the question this solution is a response to.
"question": {
// Text of the MATH problem being solved.
"problem": "What is the greatest common factor of $20 !$ and $200,\\!000$? (Reminder: If $n$ is a positive integer, then $n!$ stands for the product $1\\cdot 2\\cdot 3\\cdot \\cdots \\cdot (n-1)\\cdot n$.)",
// Ground truth solution from the MATH dataset.
"ground_truth_solution": "The prime factorization of $200,000$ is $2^6 \\cdot 5^5$. Then count the number of factors of $2$ and $5$ in $20!$. Since there are $10$ even numbers, there are more than $6$ factors of $2$. There are $4$ factors of $5$. So the greatest common factor is $2^6 \\cdot 5^4=\\boxed{40,\\!000}$.",
// Ground truth answer.
"ground_truth_answer": "40,\\!000",
// The full steps of the model-generated solution. This is only set for
// phase 2 where we pre-generated all solutions that we labeled.
"pre_generated_steps": [
"I want to find the largest positive integer that divides both $20 !$ and $200,\\!000$ evenly.",
"One way to do this is to factor both numbers into prime factors and look for the common ones.",
"I know that $200,\\!000 = 2^5\\cdot 10^4 = 2^9\\cdot 5^4$.",
"To find the prime factorization of $20 !$, I can use the fact that it is the product of all the positive integers from $1$ to $20$.",
"For each prime number $p$ between $1$ and $20$, I can count how many multiples of $p$ are in that range.",
"For example, there are $10$ multiples of $2$ between $1$ and $20$, namely $2, 4, 6, \\dots, 20$.",
"But there are also $5$ multiples of $4$, which is $2^2$, and $2$ multiples of $8$, which is $2^3$, and $1$ multiple of $16$, which is $2^4$.",
"So, the total power of $2$ in $20 !$ is $10 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 18$.",
"Similarly, there are $4$ multiples of $5$, namely $5, 10, 15, 20$, so the power of $5$ in $20 !$ is $4$.",
"There are $6$ multiples of $3$, namely $3, 6, 9, \\dots, 18$, but there are also $2$ multiples of $9$, which is $3^2$, so the power of $3$ in $20 !$ is $6 + 2 = 8$.",
"There are $2$ multiples of $7$, namely $7$ and $14$, so the power of $7$ in $20 !$ is $2$.",
"There are $1$ multiple of each of the other prime numbers $11, 13, 17$, and $19$, so the powers of those primes in $20 !$ are $1$ each.",
"Therefore, the prime factorization of $20 !$ is $2^{18}\\cdot 3^8\\cdot 5^4\\cdot 7^2\\cdot 11\\cdot 13\\cdot 17\\cdot 19$.",
"To find the greatest common factor of $20 !$ and $200,\\!000$, I need to take the lowest power of each common prime factor.",
"The only common prime factors are $2$ and $5$, and the lowest powers are $9$ and $4$, respectively.",
"So, the greatest common factor is $2^9\\cdot 5^4 = 512\\cdot 625 = 320,\\!000$.\n\n# Answer\n\n320,000"
// The answer given as the end of the pre-generated solution. We can see
// this solution is incorrect.
"pre_generated_answer": "320,000",
// The score given by our PRM to this solution. This one isn't rated very
// highly!
"pre_generated_verifier_score": 0.010779580529581414
// The human data we collected for this solution, containing correctness
// labels for each step of the solution.
"label": {
"steps": [
// Each object here represents labels for one step of the solution.
// 每个步骤将包含一个或多个完成项。这些是模型在轨迹的这一步输出的候选步骤。在第一阶段,我们经常收集候选步骤的标签,而在第二阶段,我们只收集第一次错误之后的候选步骤的标签,因此大多数补全列表都是单子。
"completions": [
// Text of the step.
"text": "I want to find the largest positive integer that divides both $20 !$ and $200,\\!000$ evenly.",
// The rating the labeler gave to this step. Can be -1, 0, or +1.
// This is a 0 because it isn't incorrect, but it does not make
// any progress.
"rating": 0,
// The labeler can flag steps that they don't know how to label.
// This is rarely used.
"flagged": null
// In phase 1, if all completions were rated -1, we allowed labelers to
// write their own +1 step. This is null for all steps in phase 2.
"human_completion": null,
// The index of the completion "chosen" at this step, or null if the
// human_completion was used. You can reconstruct the solution
// trajectory like:
// [
// step["human_completion"] if step["chosen_completion"] is None
// else step["completions"][step["chosen_completion"]]["text"]
// for step in labeled_solution["label"]["steps"]
// ]
"chosen_completion": 0
"completions": [
"text": "One way to do this is to factor both numbers into prime factors and look for the common ones.",
"rating": 0,
"flagged": null
"human_completion": null,
"chosen_completion": 0
// Some steps contain multiple alternative completions, and each one
// gets a rating.
"completions": [
"text": "I know that $200,\\!000 = 2^5\\cdot 10^4 = 2^9\\cdot 5^4$.",
"rating": -1,
"flagged": null
"text": "To factor $20 !$, I can use the fact that every factorial is a multiple of every number less than or equal to it.",
"rating": 0,
"flagged": false
"text": "I can use a factor tree to find the prime factors of $200,\\!000$: $200,\\!000 = 2^5\\cdot 10^4 = 2^5\\cdot 2^4\\cdot 5^4 = 2^9\\cdot 5^4$.",
"rating": -1,
"flagged": false
"text": "I can use a factor tree to find the prime factors of $200,\\!000$.",
"rating": 0,
"flagged": false
"text": "To factor $20 !$, I can use the fact that any factorial is divisible by all the primes less than or equal to the input.",
"rating": 0,
"flagged": false
"human_completion": null,
"chosen_completion": null
// Total time in milliseconds spent on labeling this solution.
"total_time": 278270,
// Final result of labeling this solution. Will be one of:
// - "found_error": In phase 2 we stop labeling a solution after the
// first error is found.
// - "solution": We reached a step that concluded in the correct answer
// to the problem.
// - "bad_problem": The labeler reported the problem as broken.
// - "give_up": The labeler was stuck (the problem was taking too long,
// or the instructions were unclear) and moved onto the
// next problem.
"finish_reason": "found_error"
文件夹包含了我们用来判断模型输出的答案是否与 Hendrycks 的数学数据集中的真实答案正确匹配的 python 分级逻辑。我们借鉴了 Hendrycks 在 math_normalize.py
中的数学归一化逻辑,并在 grader.py
中使用 sympy 检查表达式是否相等。我们推荐使用 grader.grade_answer(model_answer, gt_answer)
一般来说,答案分级比较困难。这种分级逻辑的设计是保守的,有时会拒绝正确答案,但这种情况比 MATH 的规范化逻辑要少。我们的逻辑有时可能会接受不正确的答案,不过我们已经努力将这种情况降到最低。
正如 Let's Verify Step by Step, 一文中所述,我们使用了非标准的 MATH 训练/测试分割。
为了避免在 7500 个 MATH 训练问题上过度拟合的风险,我们将训练集扩展到了 4500 个 MATH 测试问题。因此,我们只在剩余的 500 个被排除的问题上评估我们的模型。我们随机均匀地选择了这 500 个测试问题,我们相信它们能够代表整个测试集。
train.jsonl 和
test.jsonl` 文件中选择的拆分问题。你需要 Git LFS 来克隆这些文件。
我们发布了用于评估大规模 ORM 和 PRM 的所有大规模模型样本,与论文中的图 3 相对应。每个测试问题都有 1860 个得分样本。未能在 1024 个标记内得出答案的解决方案会被丢弃,这导致某些问题的样本少于 1860 个。我们在 "Best-of-N "评估逻辑中考虑到了这一点。
评估 PRM:
python eval/eval.py --method prm
评估 ORM:
python eval/eval.py --method orm
请使用以下 BibTeX 条目引用该数据集:
title={Let's Verify Step by Step},
author={Lightman, Hunter and Kosaraju, Vineet and Burda, Yura and Edwards, Harri and Baker, Bowen and Lee, Teddy and Leike, Jan and Schulman, John and Sutskever, Ilya and Cobbe, Karl},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.20050},