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Reverse the dependency between sexplib and base
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Jeremie Dimino committed Mar 27, 2017
1 parent 054edf1 commit 6b33091
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,237 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
## v0.9.1 (27/03/2017)

- Switch from `base` to `base.sexplib0`, so that linking with
`sexplib` doesn't link all of `base`
- Re-import the code split out from Sexplib into Base as
sexplib0. Remove the Base dependency

## v0.9.0

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion sexplib.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ build: [
["jbuilder" "build" "--only-packages" "sexplib" "--root" "." "-j" jobs "@install"]
depends: [
"base" {>= "v0.9.1" & < "v0.10"}
"jbuilder" {build & >= "1.0+beta2"}
available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.03.0" ]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/jbuild
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
((name sexplib)
(libraries (bigarray base.sexplib0))
(libraries (bigarray sexplib0))
(public_name sexplib)
(preprocess (per_file ((action (system "${PA_CPP} ${<}")) (pre_sexp))))
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src0/jbuild
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(jbuild_version 1)

((name sexplib0)
(public_name sexplib.0)))
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src0/jbuild~
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(jbuild_version 1)

((name sexplib0)
(public_name base.sexplib0)))
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions src0/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
(* We do not [open! Import] because [Sexp] is used in [Sexp_conv], which is used in
[Import]. *)

[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]

open StdLabels
open Format

(* Type of S-expressions *)
type t = Atom of string | List of t list

let sexp_of_t t = t
let t_of_sexp t = t

let equal a b = compare a b = 0

exception Of_sexp_error of exn * t

module Printing = struct
(* Default indentation level for human-readable conversions *)

let default_indent = ref 1

(* Escaping of strings used as atoms in S-expressions *)

let must_escape str =
let len = String.length str in
len = 0 ||
let rec loop ix =
match str.[ix] with
| '"' | '(' | ')' | ';' | '\\' -> true
| '|' -> ix > 0 && let next = ix - 1 in Char.equal str.[next] '#' || loop next
| '#' -> ix > 0 && let next = ix - 1 in Char.equal str.[next] '|' || loop next
| '\000' .. '\032' | '\127' .. '\255' -> true
| _ -> ix > 0 && loop (ix - 1)
loop (len - 1)

let escaped s =
let open String in
let n = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to length s - 1 do
n := !n +
(match unsafe_get s i with
| '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> 2
| ' ' .. '~' -> 1
| _ -> 4)
if !n = length s then copy s else begin
let s' = create !n in
n := 0;
for i = 0 to length s - 1 do
begin match unsafe_get s i with
| ('\"' | '\\') as c ->
unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n c
| '\n' ->
unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
| '\t' ->
unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 't'
| '\r' ->
unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 'r'
| '\b' ->
unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 'b'
| (' ' .. '~') as c -> unsafe_set s' !n c
| c ->
let a = Char.code c in
unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
incr n;
unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a / 100));
incr n;
unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a / 10) mod 10));
incr n;
unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a mod 10));
incr n

let esc_str str =
let estr = escaped str in
let elen = String.length estr in
let res = String.create (elen + 2) in
String.blit ~src:estr ~src_pos:0 ~dst:res ~dst_pos:1 ~len:elen;
res.[0] <- '"';
res.[elen + 1] <- '"';

let index_of_newline str start =
try Some (String.index_from str start '\n')
with Not_found -> None

let get_substring str index end_pos_opt =
let end_pos =
match end_pos_opt with
| None -> String.length str
| Some end_pos -> end_pos
String.sub str ~pos:index ~len:(end_pos - index)

let is_one_line str =
match index_of_newline str 0 with
| None -> true
| Some index -> index + 1 = String.length str

let pp_hum_maybe_esc_str ppf str =
if not (must_escape str) then
pp_print_string ppf str
else if is_one_line str then
pp_print_string ppf (esc_str str)
else begin
let rec loop index =
let next_newline = index_of_newline str index in
let next_line = get_substring str index next_newline in
pp_print_string ppf (escaped next_line);
match next_newline with
| None -> ()
| Some newline_index ->
pp_print_string ppf "\\";
pp_force_newline ppf ();
pp_print_string ppf "\\n";
loop (newline_index + 1)
pp_open_box ppf 0;
(* the leading space is to line up the lines *)
pp_print_string ppf " \"";
loop 0;
pp_print_string ppf "\"";
pp_close_box ppf ();

let mach_maybe_esc_str str =
if must_escape str then esc_str str else str

(* Output of S-expressions to formatters *)

let rec pp_hum_indent indent ppf = function
| Atom str -> pp_hum_maybe_esc_str ppf str
| List (h :: t) ->
pp_open_box ppf indent;
pp_print_string ppf "(";
pp_hum_indent indent ppf h;
pp_hum_rest indent ppf t
| List [] -> pp_print_string ppf "()"

and pp_hum_rest indent ppf = function
| h :: t ->
pp_print_space ppf ();
pp_hum_indent indent ppf h;
pp_hum_rest indent ppf t
| [] ->
pp_print_string ppf ")";
pp_close_box ppf ()

let rec pp_mach_internal may_need_space ppf = function
| Atom str ->
let str' = mach_maybe_esc_str str in
let new_may_need_space = str' == str in
if may_need_space && new_may_need_space then pp_print_string ppf " ";
pp_print_string ppf str';
| List (h :: t) ->
pp_print_string ppf "(";
let may_need_space = pp_mach_internal false ppf h in
pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf t;
| List [] -> pp_print_string ppf "()"; false

and pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = pp_mach_internal may_need_space ppf h in
pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf t
| [] -> pp_print_string ppf ")"

let pp_hum ppf sexp = pp_hum_indent !default_indent ppf sexp

let pp_mach ppf sexp = ignore (pp_mach_internal false ppf sexp)
let pp = pp_mach

(* Sexp size *)

let rec size_loop (v, c as acc) = function
| Atom str -> v + 1, c + String.length str
| List lst -> List.fold_left lst ~init:acc ~f:size_loop

let size sexp = size_loop (0, 0) sexp

(* Buffer conversions *)

let to_buffer_hum ~buf ?(indent = !default_indent) sexp =
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@?" (pp_hum_indent indent) sexp

let to_buffer_mach ~buf sexp =
let rec loop may_need_space = function
| Atom str ->
let str' = mach_maybe_esc_str str in
let new_may_need_space = str' == str in
if may_need_space && new_may_need_space then Buffer.add_char buf ' ';
Buffer.add_string buf str';
| List (h :: t) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '(';
let may_need_space = loop false h in
loop_rest may_need_space t;
| List [] -> Buffer.add_string buf "()"; false
and loop_rest may_need_space = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = loop may_need_space h in
loop_rest may_need_space t
| [] -> Buffer.add_char buf ')' in
ignore (loop false sexp)

let to_buffer = to_buffer_mach

let to_buffer_gen ~buf ~add_char ~add_string sexp =
let rec loop may_need_space = function
| Atom str ->
let str' = mach_maybe_esc_str str in
let new_may_need_space = str' == str in
if may_need_space && new_may_need_space then add_char buf ' ';
add_string buf str';
| List (h :: t) ->
add_char buf '(';
let may_need_space = loop false h in
loop_rest may_need_space t;
| List [] -> add_string buf "()"; false
and loop_rest may_need_space = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = loop may_need_space h in
loop_rest may_need_space t
| [] -> add_char buf ')' in
ignore (loop false sexp)

(* The maximum size of a thing on the minor heap is 256 words.
Previously, this size of the returned buffer here was 4096 bytes, which
caused the Buffer to be allocated on the *major* heap every time.
According to a simple benchmark by Ron, we can improve performance for
small s-expressions by a factor of ~4 if we only allocate 1024 bytes
(128 words + some small overhead) worth of buffer initially. And one
can argue that if it's free to allocate strings smaller than 256 words,
large s-expressions requiring larger expensive buffers won't notice
the extra two doublings from 1024 bytes to 2048 and 4096. And especially
performance-sensitive applications to always pass in a larger buffer to
use. *)
let buffer () = Buffer.create 1024

(* String conversions *)

let to_string_hum ?indent = function
| Atom str when (match index_of_newline str 0 with None -> true | Some _ -> false) ->
mach_maybe_esc_str str
| sexp ->
let buf = buffer () in
to_buffer_hum ?indent sexp ~buf;
Buffer.contents buf

let to_string_mach = function
| Atom str -> mach_maybe_esc_str str
| sexp ->
let buf = buffer () in
to_buffer_mach sexp ~buf;
Buffer.contents buf

let to_string = to_string_mach
include Printing

let of_float_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref = ref `No_underscores
let of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref = ref `No_underscores

module Private = Printing

let message name fields =
let rec conv_fields = function
| [] -> []
| (fname, fsexp) :: rest ->
match fname with
| "" -> fsexp :: conv_fields rest
| _ -> List [ Atom fname; fsexp ] :: conv_fields rest
List (Atom name :: conv_fields fields)

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