This plugins adds a control panel interface to edit your static translations in the database.
Add, edit or delete translations in the Control Panel with each language side by side.
Filter missing translations and search by keywords.
Configure which translations categories you'll be able to edit.
Translations will be kept inside your database instead of PHP files.
When a page is visited on the site, missing translations will automatically be added.
Export your translations to a CSV file and import it back after handing it to your translation team.
GraphQL support to query static messages
- Parse all site templates to add missing translations
- Migrate your existing PHP translations to your database
- Export all your database translations to PHP files
- Delete all translations
This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.
Install the plugin via the Plugin Store or by command line:
composer require mutation/translate
php craft install/plugin translations-admin
You can now edit your translations in the control panel /admin/translations-admin
You have special permissions for the Translations admin plugin:
- Update translations
- Export translations
- Import translations
- Use utilities
- Change settings
You can either go the settings page or create a file translations-admin.php
in your config
- Plugin Name: How the plugin should be named in the CP
- Categories: Choose the source message categories you want to have in your database and control panel.
- Add missing translations: Controls whether missing translations are automatically added to the database when a page is visited.
- Add missing translations for site request only: Controls whether missing translations are only added when the request is from the site.
Config file example:
return [
'pluginName' => 'Translations',
'categories' => [
['category' => 'site'],
['category' => 'app']
'addMissingTranslations' => false,
'addMissingSiteRequestOnly' => false
Query static messages this way:
staticMessages(language:["en-CA", "fr-CA"], category: ["site", "app"]) {
You can use these custom events in your plugin or module to do any actions after translations are added, saved or deleted (example: empty the cache):
use mutation\translate\services\MessagesService;
Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_MESSAGES, function (Event $e) { ... });
Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_ADD_MESSAGE, function (Event $e) { ... });
Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_MESSAGES, function (Event $e) { ... });
- Add mapping for the import and support more format (Excel)
- Refresh/sync option for the translations overview
- Allow overriding translations when importing from PHP files
- Add events when adding, saving and deleting translations