Multi-state Cellular Automata - A-Life On Pi project
A cellular automota simulation library that I intend to coax into producing pretty patterns.
The idea is that each cell will be able to contain multiple states. For now this has been implemented in the 1D case. Multiple rules can be run per cell. In theory rules will be able to read and write to multiple states although the current 1D rules read and write to a single state.
I'm currently focused on the 1D simulation although I have started a little on the 2D and 3D versions.
Go to CA 1D for more details. Go to Wolfram for infromation on 1D CAs and how to specify their rules.
Runs nicely on a Raspberry Pi, using Python3 and PyGame. I think you just need to run install numpy and pygame, i.e. run the following:
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pygame
###Binary 1D CA
$ python -r 30 -b wrap
###Three coloured binary 1d CAs Three state 1D CA assigned to RGB colours. Separate rule assigned to each state.
$ python ca_1d_rgb -r 161 -g 182 -b 126 -c dead
$ python
###Diffuse CA Cells inherit neighbour qualities if the neighbour has a higher energy state. I've only just started looking at this and it's not set up to be particularly configurable yet. There's a lot to be played around with. Can produce patterns similar to Loki.
$ python3
Run with -h arg for more options.