A nice and easy way to get a Countly instance up and running using docker. For help on getting started with docker see the official getting started guide. For more information on Countly and check out it's website.
Running this will build you a docker image with the latest stable version of both docker-countly and County itself.
sudo docker build -t dz0ny/countly git://github.com/dz0ny/docker-countly.git
Running the first time will setup Mongodb to be in your data dir shared with your
host so that you can back it up if you want to. It will also set your port to
a static port of your choice so that you can easily map a proxy to it. If this
is the only thing running on your system you can map the port to 80 and no
proxy is needed. i.e. -p=80:80
Also be sure your mounted directory on your
host machine is already created before running this mkdir -p /mnt/countly
sudo docker run -d -p=10000:80 -v=/mnt/countly:/data dz0ny/countly
From now on when you start/stop docker-countly you should use the container id
with the following commands. To get your container id, after you initial run
type sudo docker ps
and it will show up on the left side followed by the image
name which is dz0ny/countly:latest
sudo docker start <container_id>
sudo docker stop <container_id>
is the volume you are mounting-v=host_dir:docker_dir
is simply what I called my docker build of this image-d=true
allows this to run cleanly as a daemon, remove for debugging-p
is the port it connects to,-p=host_port:docker_port