A (very) unofficial way of getting Caffeine related data including stream chat.
You can find the project on JitPack.
CaffeineProfile profile = new CaffeineProfile(username);
profile.isValid(); // returns false if a user doesn't exist.
EventListener listener = (new ChatListener() {
public void onEvent(Chat chat) {
// Code here
CaffeineStream stream = new CaffeineStream(profile, listener); // Automatically connects, if not an error is thrown.
stream.close(); // Close.
stream.isOpen(); // Is open, directly from the websocket api.
https://api.caffeine.tv/v1/users/$username # Where to get client information
wss://realtime.caffeine.tv/v2/reaper/stages/$stage-id/messages # Socket address for stream events
{"Headers":{"Authorization":"Anonymous API","X-Client-Type":"api"}} # Headers for websocket
https://images.caffeine.tv/$avatar-link # Where you can get an avatar, every client has an associated avatar_link