Demonstrates a panic! caused by wgpu when importing a presumably valid gltf package.
The .gltf file can be imported into Blender, and can be viewed with bablylon.js, cesium, filament and three.js, without errors.
The glTF Tools plugin for VS Studio Code also seems to report no errors (but there are some warnings).
I'm not sure what's going wrong.
See: bevyengine/bevy#9021
PS C:\Users\EASTE\gltf_panic_minirepo> cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.25s
Running target\debug\gltf_panic_minirepo.exe
2023-08-01T05:46:14.620039Z INFO bevy_winit::system: Creating new window "Bevy App" (0v0)
2023-08-01T05:46:15.060903Z INFO bevy_render::renderer: AdapterInfo { name: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090", vendor: 4318, device: 8708, device_type: DiscreteGpu, driver: "NVIDIA", driver_info: "535.98", backend: Vulkan }
2023-08-01T05:46:15.283194Z WARN bevy_gltf::loader: Vertex attribute WEIGHTS_0 has format Unorm8x4 but expected Float32x4 for target attribute Vertex_JointWeight
2023-08-01T05:46:15.342455Z INFO bevy_diagnostic::system_information_diagnostics_plugin::internal: SystemInfo { os: "Windows 11 Home", kernel: "22621", cpu: "AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor", core_count: "12", memory: "31.9 GiB" }
2023-08-01T05:46:16.436764Z ERROR wgpu::backend::direct: Handling wgpu errors as fatal by default
thread '' panicked at 'wgpu error: Validation Error
Caused by:
In a RenderPass
note: encoder = <CommandBuffer-(0, 79, Vulkan)>
In a draw command, indexed:true indirect:false
note: render pipeline = pbr_opaque_mesh_pipeline
The pipeline layout, associated with the current render pipeline, contains a bind group layout at index 2 which is incompatible with the bind group layout associated with the bind group at 2
', C:\Users\EASTE.cargo\registry\src\\wgpu-0.16.3\src\backend\
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1
environment variable to display a backtrace
Encountered a panic in exclusive system bevy_render::renderer::render_system
thread 'Compute Task Pool (6)' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap()
on an Err
value: RecvError', C:\Users\EASTE.cargo\registry\src\\bevy_render-0.11.0\src\
error: process didn't exit successfully: target\debug\gltf_panic_minirepo.exe
(exit code: 101)