A distributed, virtualized, shell script runner. Has the side effect to be a test_runner. It will spawn a vm, run shell script, return the result of the run, and destroy the vm, so you have time to do something else in the meantime. It can also use amazon or amazon compatible api to spawn the vm. This software is in dev status.
python-vagrant Used to start vm, querying the host and the port of the vm
boto Used to start a ec2 instance and manage it.
celery Used to remotely start a job
fabric Used to launch scripts on the vm
You can install the whole script using setuptool. If you don't have it already, you can install it. It is available in you repository :
sudo apt-get install python-distribute
or using pip.
pip install distribute
Then you will need vagrant to be installed, it should be in your repository for example if you use debian:
sudo apt-get install vagrant
If it's not in your repository, you can use the windows url.
if you are using windows, you can install the lastest version using this url:
You will also need virtualbox installed. You can find virtualbox at this url:
You can now edit the config.py to the the values you may want to use.Those entries are document in the default config.py shipped with the software. You will need a Vagrantfile. A default one is also shipped with the software in base_template/ubuntu-12.04, so you can simply change the config.py VAGRANT_TEMPLATE_DIR to this repository
You can use the tester locally by using the test_box api. You need first to setup the place where the vagrant configurations are stored. This key is hosted in the config.py directory.
Basically the two way to call the script is either on the cli, or by starting the service if you start the tasks, it will start a celery worker sending the test job to the GenericBox install. So we have the following project.
| Rabbitmq broker
| Python call
| Python call
| Shell call