Hue is an open source Web interface for analyzing data with any Apache Hadoop:
It features:
- SQL editors for Hive, Impala, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SparkSQL, Solr SQL, Phoenix...
- Dynamic Search dashboards with Solr
- Spark and Hadoop notebooks
- Scheduling of jobs and workflows through an Oozie Editor and Dashboard
More user and developer documentation is available at
To build and get the development server running:
$ git clone
$ cd hue
$ make apps
$ build/env/bin/hue runserver
Now Hue should be running on http://localhost:8000 !
The configuration in development mode is desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini
Note: to start the production server (but lose the automatic reloading after source modification):
$ build/env/bin/supervisor
To run the tests:
Install the mini cluster (only once):
$ ./tools/jenkins/ slow
Run all the tests:
$ build/env/bin/hue test all
Or just some parts of the tests, e.g.:
$ build/env/bin/hue test specific impala
$ build/env/bin/hue test specific impala.tests:TestMockedImpala
$ build/env/bin/hue test specific impala.tests:TestMockedImpala.test_basic_flow
Start Hue in a single click with the Docker Guide or the video blog post.
You'll need these library development packages and tools installed on your system:
sudo apt-get install git ant gcc g++ libffi-dev libkrb5-dev libmysqlclient-dev libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev make maven libldap2-dev python-dev python-setuptools libgmp3-dev
Oracle's JDK (read more here)#``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
* mvn (from ``maven`` package or maven3 tarball)
* openldap-dev / libldap2-dev
* libtidy-0.99-0 (for unit tests only)
* Oracle's JDK [(read more here)](
* ant
* asciidoc
* cyrus-sasl-devel
* cyrus-sasl-gssapi
* cyrus-sasl-plain
* gcc
* gcc-c++
* krb5-devel
* libffi-devel
* libtidy (for unit tests only)
* libxml2-devel
* libxslt-devel
* make
* mvn (from [``apache-maven``]( package or maven3 tarball)
* mysql
* mysql-devel
* openldap-devel
* python-devel
* sqlite-devel
* openssl-devel (for version 7+)
* gmp-devel
* Xcode command line tools
* Oracle's JDK 1.7+
* maven (Homebrew)
* mysql (Homebrew)
* gmp (Homebrew)
* openssl (Homebrew)
* Required for Mac OS X 10.11+ (El Capitan), after ``brew install openssl``, run: ``export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib && export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include``
__All, just in case you want to run the Jasmine tests:__
* NodeJS (
* PhantomJS (npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt)
File Layout
The Hue "framework" is in ``desktop/core/`` and contains the Web components.
``desktop/libs/`` is the API for talking to various Hadoop services.
The installable apps live in ``apps/``. Please place third-party dependencies in the app's ext-py/
The typical directory structure for inside an application includes:
src/ for Python/Django code
for configuration (.ini
) files to be installed
static/ for static HTML/js resources and help doc
templates/ for data to be put through a template engine
locales/ for localizations in multiple languages
For the URLs within your application, you should make your own ````
which will be automatically rooted at ``/yourappname/`` in the global
namespace. See ``apps/about/src/about/`` for an example.
Main Stack
Hue would not be possible without:
* Python 2.6.5 - 2.7
* Django 1.6 (
* Knockout.js (
* jQuery (
* Bootstrap (
* User group:
* Jira:
* Reviews: (repo 'hue-rw')
Apache License, Version 2.0