Mantra [ Management Reporting and Tracking Analisys ] is Sales Reporting Tool for Smartfren Commercial Report Dashboard.
- In 2015 Bu Happy and Rohmat create ETL database report for collecting all requests from Pak Tom via DWH.
- Then Herwin create a website application for commercial teams and gallery with native PHP to provide some dashboard reporting website called Mantra and produce some report tools called "dragon eye".
- Last 2016, I join with sales reporting team and re-developing Mantra with PHP framework called Laravel till early 2017 but before the web app done, dashboard reporting was handled by MIS team so next i just create daily mail reporting view via native PHP with Iqbal who handle the ETL database.
- Last 2017, Mantra first launching with brand new CMS-Code called Incodiy (June 2015 - Now still in development progress) but Mantra development still in progress.
- In 2018, Mantra was re-develop again to provide some dashboard reports for some outlet programs and distributors with Wordpress.
- In Aug 2022, I finish development process for Laravel Mantra with Incodiy, so this website re-develop again with my latest declarative code with laravel called Incodiy until Aug 2023 to provide some outlet programs and distributors report dashboard.
- Now Mantra was shut down and the last result was cloned in my own website