I'm a full stack developer...
Hello community I developer Front-End with knowing in HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Type-Script, React.
Developer Back-End with knowing in Json, Coors, Express of NodeJs, SpringBoot of Java, Spring-Security, Swagger.
I worked in three projects in to my community for one Laundy where the client needed see the location of package(washing drying and ironing) into the business, for this project I used Express for Backend and React for Frontend and Mysql for Data base.
My second project is for one buisness of telephone one page web for see your services in reparation and unlock mobile and thus be able to create an appointment for to visit the store in this project i was use React and Bootstrap for the Backend Express of NodeJs and MYSQL for my DataBase.
for my third project I create one application web for one store of sales telephone and technology where the admin can modify, deleted, update and create products for this project i used React for the Frontedn and Bootstrap for the Backend SpringBoot of JAVA and MSQL for database