A curated list of awesome things related to Strapi.
Strapi is an open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
- Documentation, Tutorials, and Meetups
- Showcase
- One-Click & Deployment
- Templates
- Starters & Examples
- Plugin & Providers
- Ecosystem
- Strapi - Official Strapi repository.
- Try live demo - Official Strapi demo.
- Product Board - Strapi roadmap and feature requests.
- Developer Docs - Official Developer Documentation.
- User Docs - Official User Documentation.
- Tutorials - Official and Community Tutorials (Submit new tutorials).
- RFC - Official Request for Comments.
- Meetups - Meetups and Webinars.
- Forum - Official Strapi forum.
- Discord - Official Strapi Discord.
- Projects using Strapi
- Community Content - User content created by the community
- DigitalOcean - DigitalOcean Marketplace One-Click.
- Platform.sh - Platform.sh One-Click.
- Docker - Official Docker container.
- Blog - Template to create Strapi projects pre-configured for blogs
- Catalog - Template to create Strapi projects pre-configured for catalog sites
- Corporate - Template to create Strapi projects pre-configured for corporate sites
- E-commerce - Template to create Strapi projects pre-configured for e-commerce apps
- Heroku - Official template for Heroku 1 click deploy button
- Portfolio - Template to create Strapi projects pre-configured for portfolio sites
- Examples - General examples (Outdated).
- OrgServer - Data Server scaffold for all kinds of Organizations
- Angular Blog - Blog example using Angular and GraphQL.
- Gatsby Blog - Blog example using Gatsby and GraphQL.
- Gatsby Catalog - Gatsby Catalog starter.
- Gridsome Blog - Blog example using Gridsome
- Next Blog - Blog example using Next and GraphQL.
- Next Corporate - Next.js starter for creating a corporate site.
- Next E-commerce - Starter Next.js E-commerce.
- Nuxt Blog - Blog example using Nuxt and GraphQL.
- Nuxt E-commerce - Starter Nuxt.js E-commerce.
- Food Advisor - THE Strapi demo application.
- React Blog - Blog example using React and GraphQL.
- Sapper Blog - Minimal blog example using Sapper and GraphQL.
- Vue Blog - Blog example using Vue and GraphQL.
- Documentation - Official SwaggerUI/OpenAPI Documentation.
- GraphQL - Official GraphQL plugin including GraphQL Playground.
- Sentry - Official Sentry plugin.
- Comments - End to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more.
- Config Sync - Manage database config (core_store e.g.) as partial JSON files. Import/Export across environments.
- Email Designer - Design your own email templates w/ visual composer directly inside the Strapi admin panel and send composed emails programmatically from your controllers / services.
- Entity Relationship Chart - Display Entity Relationship Diagram of all models, fields and relations.
- Expo Notifications - Send Expo notification to mobile app
- Github Publish - Lets you publish content changes using a GitHub Actions workflow.
- Import content - Import content with a csv file, external url or raw text.
- Meilisearch - Add your Strapi collections into a MeiliSearch instance.
- Migrate - Migrate Settings & Layouts, User Permissions between environments. (Webhooks & Content migrations coming soon).
- Moesif - Plugin to add Moesif API Analytics and Monitoring (https://www.moesif.com/).
- Navigation Builder - Navigation / menu builder feature with possibility to control the audience and different output structure renderers like (flat, tree and RFR - ready for handling by Redux First Router)
- oEmbed - Embed content from third party sites (Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, ...).
- Responsive image - Custom responsive image formats.
- Raw Query - Sends raw query strings to the database.
- Sitemap - Generate a sitemap.xml.
- Sync Roles And Permissions - Store user roles and permissions configuration as a JSON file and then import and reuse it any time.
- Testing - Out of the box Unit/Integration testing with mocking functions.
- Video Thumbnail - Add video thumbnail functionality to Upload plugin (using FFmpeg).
- Zeasy Image Api - Search and import image from Unsplash / Giphy to the rich text field with appropriate attribution.
- CKEditor 5 - Replace Strapi default WYSIWYG editor with enhanced build of CKEditor 5.
- React MD Editor - Replace Strapi default WYSIWYG editor with React MD Editor.
- Toast UI Editor - Replace Strapi default WYSIWYG editor with Toast UI Editor.
- Point List Field - Mark an area on the image and save the list of points to the database.
- Internaional Fields - Add localized fields: Country, Language, Nationality
- LRU Caching - LRU caching for the api.
- Upload Plugin Cache - Configurable middleware for caching uploaded assets when using strapi-provider-upload-local.
- Algolia - Maintain search indexes with the Agolia service.
- Amazon-SES - Amazon SES email provider.
- Mailgun - Mailgun email provider.
- MailJet - MailJet email provider.
- Mailtrap - Mailtrap email provider.
- Nodemailer - Nodemailer email provider.
- Sendgrid - Sendgrid email provider.
- Sendinblue - Sendinblue email provider.
- Sendmail - Sendmail email provider.
- Amazon S3 - Amazon S3 bucket upload provider.
- Azure - Azure Storage upload provider.
- Cloudinary - Cloudinary upload provider.
- DigitalOcean - DigitalOcean S3 upload provider.
- Google Cloud Storage - Google Cloud Storage upload provider.
- HubSpot - HubSpot upload provider.
- Rackspace - Rackspace upload provider.
- Scaleway - Scaleway upload provider.
- WeTransfer - WeTransfer upload provider.
- Buffet.js - React components library for Strapi plugins.
- One-Click - One-Click source scripts used to build all official one-click apps.
- Javascript SDK - Official Javascript SDK (Currently outdated).
- Jekyll - Jekyll plugin to retrieve content from a Strapi API.
- MobX-Strapi - MobX v5 SDK for Strapi v3
- NgxStrapiAuth - Angular authentication library with pre-built components.