blogextractor Public
Microservice to extract information from blogs, returning extracted data in JSON format
HTML MIT License UpdatedJul 6, 2022 -
notejam Public
Forked from nordcloud/notejamUnified sample web app. The easy way to learn web frameworks.
PHP Other UpdatedMar 19, 2021 -
covid_etl Public
Event Driven ETL of Covid19 Infection, Death and Recovery
Python UpdatedFeb 15, 2021 -
aws-terraform-casper Public
A tool for detecting ghost resources running on your aws cloud
simple-java-maven-app Public
Forked from jenkins-docs/simple-java-maven-appFor an introductory tutorial on how to use Jenkins to build a simple Java application with Maven.
Java UpdatedApr 19, 2020 -
kubernetes-the-hard-way-1 Public
Forked from mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-wayBootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Vagrant on Local Machine. No scripts.
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 23, 2019 -
blogcrawler Public
Microservice to create, schedule and run blog crawls
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2019 -
blogcrawlerui Public
User interface to create, schedule and run blog crawls
JavaScript UpdatedOct 25, 2018 -
cowry Public
Blockchain middleware for monetization of data and web services
dynamic-skills-visualization Public
Dynamic visualization of skills development
R UpdatedNov 16, 2017 -
granify Public
Granify Data Engineer
healthyshopper-webcrawler Public
Crawling the superstore website for food data to use in a research project
Python UpdatedNov 9, 2017 -
nairaland_scaping Public
Web scraper for popular Nigerian website - www.nairaland.com to JSON Lines formatted text file.
indoor-localization Public
Indoor Localization using a Combination of Mobile Phone Sensors
scrape_to_mongodb Public
Web scraper for popular websites into mongodb nosql database
Python UpdatedJul 16, 2017 -
survey-api Public
API to store questionnaires on the MultiChain blockchain
chatapp-erlang-mp Public
Chat room application implemented in erlang using message passing
Erlang UpdatedDec 14, 2016 -
learn-chaincode Public
Forked from IBM-Blockchain-Archive/learn-chaincodeLearn how to write chaincode.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 28, 2016 -
jogalong Public
Mobile fitness application for collaboration between fitness enthusiast and wannabies
Java UpdatedSep 22, 2016 -
bootstro.js Public
Forked from clu3/bootstro.jsTiny JS library using bootstrap's popovers to help guide your users around your website
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2015