(prototype by Thorsten Will, 2014; update of May 2016)
python DACO.py [PPIN] [TFs] [PAIR-THRESHOLD] [DEPTH] [OUT-FILE] , with:
PPIN : a protein-protein interaction network in the simple input format (SIF) with the layout 'ProteinA ProteinB weight'. The weight is expected to be represented as the probability of an interaction (float between 0 and 1). Proteins are expected to be UniProt accession numbers, like 'P12345'.
TFs : a textfile with a list of transcription factors of the organism line by line.
PAIR-THRESHOLD : Probability threshold for initial pair seed construction.
DEPTH : maximal complex size (to keep combinatorial explosion low).
OUT-FILE : output will be written to this file. Complex candidates are stored line by line, members are comma-separated.
Examples of input files for yeast can be found in the 'example_inputs/' folder.
Yeast data of the Dec. 2013 release of UniProt (and Pfam/InterPro at that time) is precached to speed-up the data retrieval. Without this preloading, the domain-domain interaction network construction can take some time (depending on the size of the network).
To reset the precached yeast data, just delete the following files in the 'data/' folder: ipro_mapping.data - relating InterPro and Pfam IDs pfam.data - associated Pfam IDs per protein up_entry_data.data - Uniprot data per protein up_names.data - UniProt and name conversion data
Updates/Fixes: - URL of Pfam changed