- README.md - This file - Lists contents of this repo
- CodeBook.md - The markdown file that describes the process used by the R script
- run_analysis.R - R script to download/import Human Activity Recognition (HAR) data and calculate the average of variables that related to
for each Activity and Subject number.
* Download the source `run_analysis.R` to your working directory and inside R or RStudio Run `source("./run_analysis.R")` to execute. * If the UCI HAR Dataset data does not exist in the workingdirectory, It will download it from https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip * If it downloads the zip file, it will unzip it to `"./UCI HAR Dataset"` directory * It will then automatically execute the remaining commands to read in the data and write out the final tidy dataset "./samsung_HAR_out.txt"