An MCMICRO module for clustering cell types using the flowSOM algorithm.
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/data labsyspharm/mc-flowsom:1.0.1 python3 /app/ -i /data/unmicst-exemplar-001.csv -o /data/ -c
usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-m MARKERS] [-v] [-c] [-n NUM_METACLUSTERS] [--xdim XDIM] [--ydim YDIM] [-y CONFIG] [--force-transform] [--no-transform]
Cluster cell types using mcmicro marker expression data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input CSV of mcmicro marker expression data for cells
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
The directory to which output files will be saved
-m MARKERS, --markers MARKERS
A text file with a marker on each line to specify which markers to use for clustering
-v, --verbose Flag to print out progress of script
-c, --method Include a column with the method name in the output files.
The number of clusters for meta-clustering. Default is 25.
--xdim XDIM The number of neurons in the SOM in the x dimension. Default is 10.
--ydim YDIM The number of neurons in the SOM in the y dimension. Default is 10.
-y CONFIG, --config CONFIG
A yaml config file that states whether the input data should be log/logicle transformed.
--force-transform Logicle transform the input data. If omitted, and --no-transform is omitted, logicle transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.
--no-transform Do not perform Logicle transformation on the input data. If omitted, and --force-transform is omitted, logicle transform is only performed if the max value in the input data is >1000.