Oculus ANE (Adobe Native Extension)
Alpha support for both Mac OSX and Windows.
Support for Away3D. Some caveats:
1) Not optimized
2) Basic lens correction (works only at the rift's native resolution of 1280x800)
3) No Chromatic aberration implemented yet (colors shift at the edges)
To connect the Oculus via the ANE, add it in the Project Properties (remember to also check it off in the ActionScript Build Packaging section!)
Connect to the Oculus in AS3:
var _oculus:OculusANE = new OculusANE();
For every frame of your render loop, have this code:
private function enterFrame(event:Event) : void {
var quatVec:Vector.<Number> = _oculus.getCameraQuaternion();
var quat:Quaternion = new Quaternion(-quatVec[0], -quatVec[1], quatVec[2], quatVec[3]);
_camera.transform = quat.toMatrix3D(_core.transform);
When your application is closing make sure to call the dispose method to avoid a crash by using this code: