NOTE: the repo that generates the Plone image is:
Install Docker 1.10.3.
Install Docker Compose 1.6.2.
Install Rancher Compose 0.7.4+
In order to be able to edit source-code on your machine using your favorite editor, without having to do it inside a Docker container, you'll have to create a new user on your laptop with uid=500
and use this user for development:
$ useradd -u 500 zope-www
$ usermod -a -G docker zope-www
$ sudo su - zope-www
Now get the source code:
$ git clone
$ cd eea.docker.climateadapt/devel
$ docker-compose -f source-code.yml up
Start the application:
$ docker-compose up
Within your favorite browser head to http://localhost:8080, add a Plone site and install the following add-ons:
EEA Plone buildout profile
Now you are ready to develop Plone Add-ons within src
$ ls -l src/
Once you're done editing, restart the application and test your changes:
$ docker-compose restart
import rpdb; rpdb.set_trace('')
$ nc localhost 4444
- Rancher Compose
- Within Rancher UI register min 1 hosts with label:
On your laptop:
$ git clone
$ cd eea.docker.climateadapt/deploy
Deploy on staging/demo:
$ rancher-compose --project-name climateadapt-demo --env-file staging-cca.env up -d
Deploy in production:
$ rancher-compose --project-name climateadapt-demo --env-file production-cca.env up -d
$ rancher-compose --project-name climateadapt --env-file production.env up -d --upgrade
...and confirm that the upgrade went well:
$ rancher-compose --project-name climateadapt --env-file production.env up -d --confirm-upgrade
...or roll-back:
$ rancher-compose --project-name climateadapt --env-file production.env up -d --roll-back