yet another FULL DIGITAL AUDIO project
- UAC2 project with FX2LP + CPLD
- complete CPLD alpha version code but need more effect for tuning
- complete FX2LP alpha version code, but need more debugging
- not good for a share project, as the requirment of CPLD programming tool
- UAC2 project with ATMEL SAM3U
- no opensouce fork, my code did not complete, only play 48K in UAC1 mode now
- the chip is near EOL ?
- UAC2 project with ATMEL AT32U
- fork from
- the chip is near EOL, high cost
- software ready to use
- use STM32F4 to rebuild
- popular chip, not expensive
- ST released UAC sample code
- firmware will be easy to install/upgrade with DFU tool and STM32 built-in boot loader
- share my information collection
- share schematic in PDF format
- share binary code