CLI tool for sending files via email to your Kindle device.
You can run the tool directly simply by:
$ ./ FILE...
or by:
$ python3 FILE...
(use --help
option of course if you don't know this tool yet)
You can install this tool using distutils, easy_install or pip and have it in your PATH that way.
The recommended way:
# pip3 install --user sendKindle
That will find, download and install the latest available version of the program.
This program is a free software, licensed under GNU AGPL 3+.
If you like this program, please Flattr it.
Visit program homepage at:
Please report all bugs to the issue tracker, but don't request new features unless you have a patch for it. This is a small personal project and I don't plan to spend much more time on it. I will gladly merge your patches if they look reasonable.