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Sample repo with instructions to demo a sample asa-e app

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Instructions needed to run a simple asa-e hello world application.

These instructions are a subset of the instructions at

1. Pre-requisites

In order to deploy a Java app to cloud, you need an Azure subscription. If you do not already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free Azure account.

In addition, you will need the following:

| Azure CLI version 2.17.1 or higher | Git | jq utility |

2. Install the Azure CLI extension

Install the Azure Spring Apps extension for the Azure CLI using the following command

az extension add --name spring

3. Prepare your environment for deployments

cp ./ ./

Open ./ and update the following information:

export SUBSCRIPTION=subscription-id                 # replace it with your subscription-id
export RESOURCE_GROUP=resource-group-name           # existing resource group or one that will be created in next steps
export SPRING_APPS_SERVICE=azure-spring-apps-name   # name of the service that will be created in the next steps
export REGION=region-name                           # choose a region with Enterprise tier support
export APP_NAME=app-name

Then, set the environment:

source ./

4. Login to Azure

Login to the Azure CLI and choose your active subscription.

az login
az account list -o table
az account set --subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION}

Accept the legal terms and privacy statements for the Enterprise tier.

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.SaaS
az term accept --publisher vmware-inc --product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 --plan asa-ent-hr-mtr

5. Create Azure Spring Apps service instance

Create a resource group to contain your Azure Spring Apps service.

Note: This step can be skipped if using an existing resource group

az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
    --location ${REGION}

Create an instance of Azure Spring Apps Enterprise.

az spring create --name ${SPRING_APPS_SERVICE} \
    --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
    --location ${REGION} \
    --sku Enterprise \
    --enable-application-configuration-service \
    --enable-service-registry \
    --enable-gateway \
    --enable-api-portal \
    --build-pool-size S2 

Note: The service instance will take around 10-15 minutes to deploy.

Set your default resource group name and cluster name using the following commands:

az configure --defaults \
    group=${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
    location=${REGION} \

Create App

az spring app create -n ${APP_NAME}

Test hello-world app locally

Perform the below steps to build the app locally

cd hello-world
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Test the application locally, from a different terminal window, e.g.

curl http://localhost:8080/

Also, you can test the application using a browser, e.g. http://localhost:8080/

Finally, terminate the running app, e.g. CTRL+C in the running application terminal window, and go back to the main directory, e.g.

cd ..

Deploy App

az spring app deploy -n ${APP_NAME} --artifact-path ./jars/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Test App

Please go to the TEST endpoint to see the greeting message. Notice that TEST endpoint has automatically added authentication.

Add public endpoint

az spring app update -n ${APP_NAME} --assign-endpoint true

Observe the new URL assigned to the application, e.g. http://APP_URL_HERE

You can also get the URL programmatically, e.g.

az spring app show -n ${APP_NAME} --query "properties.url"

Observe the Actuator

Observe the Actuator endpoint for environment variables. Notice interesting environment variables that are automatically added by the Azure Spring Apps (i.e. Kubernetes under the covers), e.g. /actuator/env/HOSTNAME

curl http://APP_URL_HERE/actuator/env/HOSTNAME

Scale out

Let's scale out the application by manually increasing the number of instances, e.g.

az spring app scale -n ${APP_NAME} --instance-count 3

Observe the Actuator endpoint and see how the HOSTNAME changes with each request, e.g.

curl http://APP_URL_HERE/actuator/env/HOSTNAME

Clean up

Let's clean up the application, Azure Spring Apps instance, and corresponding Resource Group.

Delete App

az spring app delete -n ${APP_NAME}

Delete Spring Apps Instance

az spring delete -n ${SPRING_APPS_SERVICE}

Delete Resource Group

az group delete --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP}


Sample repo with instructions to demo a sample asa-e app






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  • Java 66.3%
  • Shell 33.7%