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highly configurable resume builder using toml, outputting a latex typeset resume.


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Easily generate a LaTeX typset resumes using a toml configuration file. The intepreter is written in Go.

The resume template is taken from This Repo, being minorly altered to allow for any font use.


Usage Guide

Cofigure the .toml file as desired, then run the parser, resulting in a .tex file. Compile .tex file using either XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX engines, ensuring LaTeX is installed and the chosen font is installed and accessible.

Running locally:

  • Git clone this repo into a directory.

  • Install all external dependancies: go get

  • Build the Go project by running go build

  • Run the binary with the flags: ./toml-resume -input="input.toml" -output="output.tex"

  • Compile the resulting .tex file using xelatex or lualatex for example using latexmk: latexmk -pdf -xelatex output.tex && latexmk -c. Alternatively this step can be done on Overleaf.

Compiling the output file with Overleaf


  1. After running the toml interpreter, create a new Overleaf project and upload preamble.tex and your output.tex files.
  2. Upload your desired font files into the Overleaf document (eg. calibri-xyz.tff).
  3. Inside the output.tex (or whichever name you gave it) document, changed the line:
]{Calibri} % Where Calibri can be any system font name.


    BoldItalicFont=calibri-bold-italic.ttf]{calibri-regular.ttf} % each being the path to the corresponding font file in the Overleaf project.
  1. In the settings menu, change the rendering engine from 'PDFLaTeX' to 'XeLaTeX' or 'LuaLaTeX'.

  2. Compile the document to get an output pdf.

Run with Docker

  • Git clone into a directory.

  • Docker build and docker run:

$ docker build -t toml-resume .

$ ./ resume.toml out.tex

# alternatively the full docker command:
$ docker run \
        -v $(pwd):/data:z \ #copy current directroy
        -v /usr/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/sysfonts:ro,z \ # copy global system fonts
        -v ~/.local/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/userfonts:ro,z \ # copy user system fonts
        toml-resume resume.toml out.tex  #run the command, resume.toml is your resume file.

If you desire to use a font, but don't want to install it as a system font, download the font files into a directory and run the docker image as follows:

$ docker run \
        -v $(pwd):/data:z \ #copy current directory
        -v "path/to/font-dir":/usr/share/fonts/yourfonts:ro,z \
        toml-resume resume.toml out.tex  


You can docker run in any directory, provided preamble.tex is in the directory (as it is the style file of the resume and may change)

Config guide:

The format and settings of the output structure can be configured:

font_size=10 # 10, 11, 12 as per latex's document class sizes
font_scale=1 # multiplicative font scaling
page_margin=1.5 #in centimeters
font="Calibri" #your system font of choice

# Case sensitive. Specify each section exactly as you defined it. Repeats are allowed.
section_order=["Technical Skills","Education","Work Experience","Projects","Hobbies and Interests"] 

# Format of each entry types's headers, play around with it until you're happy!
education_header_order=["institution", "dates", "title", "location"]
project_header_order=["title, dates"]

As part of the .toml file, the resume structure is as follows:

#settings you can play around with:
name_size=14 #font size in pt.

#your personal details:
name="Your Full Name"
location="Location, Earth"
details = [ # 2nd row of the header, usually social media, phone, email etc. 1st entry is display text, 2nd is a hyperlink. If only one is present will add text only.
    ["your\\[email protected]", "mailto:your\\[email protected]"], # ref to email
    ["", "" ], # link to a site
    ["", "" ], # link to a site
    ["+xx xxxx xxxxx"], # text only
# as the document is interpreted into tex, special characters like '_' '&' '%' in must be escaped by adding a '\' before them.
# \ beings an escape sequence in the toml specification. To add a '\' into the tex code, we must escape the '\'. That is '\\' interpretes into '\'.
# and '\\_' interpretes in to '\_' in tex, and to '_' in the final document.

[[section."Work Experience"]] # creates the section "Work Experience" and adds an entry into it.
section_type="experience" #other options are: "Education", "Project", "List", "Points". Not case sensitive.
title="Your Job Title"
institution="Company Name"
location="Place, Locaiton"
dates="November 2022 - December 2024"
			"Accomplishment 1.",
			"Accomplishment 2.",
			"Accomplishment 3.",

[[section."Work Experience"]] # this is another addition to "Work Experience".
title="Your Job Title"
institution="2nd Company Name"
location="Place, Locaiton"
dates="Date - Another Date"
			"Accomplishment 1 at 2nd company.",
			"Accomplishment 2 at 2nd company.",
			"Accomplishment 3 at 2nd company.",

section_type="education" # education entries accept the same values as experience ones, only differing on the header order set in the config section.
title="Your Degree"
institution="University of Universities"
location="Place, Locaiton"
dates="Date - Another Date"
bulletpoints=[] # bulletpoints can be empty.

section_type="project" # project headers are shorter and only accept by a title and a date.
title="This is my first project"
dates="Date - Another Date"
			"Really cool project, does really cool things.",

title="This is my first project"
description="Tools used in this project" # An inline description or summary may be added.
dates="Date - Another Date"
			"Really cool project, does really cool things.",

[[section."Technical Skills"]] # this section is composed of title-description pairs with each point's 'title' being displayed in bold.
    ["These points","Are stored as key-value pairs."],
    [ "This test is bold","this text isn't." ],

[[section."Hobbies and Interests"]] # this section is composed of bulletpoints only.
	"This is a normal list.",
	"each entry is displayed in a new line."


highly configurable resume builder using toml, outputting a latex typeset resume.








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