- flexible, heavenly fast, and exquisite. A beautiful crossover of practicality and aesthetics.
- mainly focused on having fast keymaps/keybindings with the least mental overhead possible
- if you like this, you will surely love Wizardry: The Akashic Records of Technology
- where all my knowledge, philosophy, scripts, magic spells, and configuration are archived.
- my current setup (as of 2024-01-02 1:20 PM):
- This config on top of BSPWM with gh0stzk dotfiles
- bspwmrc:
- alacritty:
- picom.conf:
- sxhkdrc:
- dunstrc:
- scripts:
- if you're going to install this, make sure to get your own API key on openweathermap and put it in
script for your own city.
- if you're going to install this, make sure to get your own API key on openweathermap and put it in
- EXQUISITE rice (image above)
- install gh0stzk dotfiles first
- copy/replace (use
or symlink it) your whole~/.config/bspwm
for bspwm configs along with the rice config,~/.config/alacritty
for alacritty configs,~/.zshrc
for custom zsh (if you want the prompt) to the one in this repo~/dotfiles/config
curl -o .ideavimrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ejsadiarin/dotfiles/3ae2a5d160f60e6fe4b3db79ec8610aae7dff5af/.ideavimrc
- the install script is not yet fully functional, if you can try just backup your system :)
Terminal/Development Environment Configuration only
- this is my personal terminal configuration configured via
- configures nvim, tmux, kitty, zsh, and all terminal-related configs
- also setups ssh, gpg, docker, git configs
[!WARNING] if you pick this route, you are required to edit the
and substitute your OWN ssh keys, gpg keys, timezone, etc. as variables otherwise, the script is not gonna run at all
- this is my personal terminal configuration configured via
- Arch / EndeavourOS
- Bspwm (X11)
- Polybar
- Dunst
- Rofi
- Kitty
- Firefox
- configures all terminal configs based on my own workflow:
- nvim
- tmux
- kitty
- zsh
- decrypt file > decrypted_mp (see ansible README)
- run
- Before installing, check the
- go to
-> substitute your ownssh
fields- create password file and encrypt for ssh and gpg as encrypted string (see ansible README)
- go to
- Clone repository and install script
git clone https://github.com/ejsadiarin/dotfiles
- Navigate to dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles/
- Make executable
chmod +x ExquisiteInstaller
- Execute script
Git and SSH-agent
git config --global user.name "NAME_HERE"
&git config --global user.email "EMAIL_HERE"
- check it with:
git config user.name
&git config user.email
SSH keys and SSH-agent
- Read docs starting here (up to testing ssh connection): https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent
- import and trust gpg keys
- zsh, neovim, and tmux plugins are 'separately installed' so we just need to open them to install the necessary plugins
gpg --import public.gpg
gpg --import private.gpg # will prompt for password
gpg --edit-key <email> # will prompt for password
# then in the gpg-shell:
5 # ultimate
y # confirm
exit # if save did not exit you to the gpg-shell
- opening zsh will automatically install the plugins
- opening nvim will also automatically install the plugins
- do a
after to see 'missing' deps, etc.
- do a
- open tmux
- source the .tmux.conf file inside tmux
tmux source .tmux.conf
then install plugins with
- this config uses
) as prefix - so do:
M-Space + I
(Alt-Space + I
- this config uses
- follow instructions on installing the binaries (not aur)
- edit your xinput for laptop natural scrolling (google how to get your device id)
- flameshot for exquisite screenshots
- open configs with
flameshot config
- open configs with
- shotwell for proper image viewing
- copyq - clipboard manager
- redshift - redlight filter
- auto-cpufreq
- thunar - file manager
# Install from source
git clone https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq.git
cd auto-cpufreq
sudo ./auto-cpufreq-installer
# enable it (this does the systemctl enable):
sudo auto-cpufreq --install
systemctl status auto-cpufreq
# or auto-cpufreq --stats
- create auto-cpufreq.conf in
cd /etc/
# create conf file
sudo touch auto-cpufreq.conf
sudo vim auto-cpufreq.conf
- my preferred configs:
turbo = never
on powersave
- Discord
- Zoom
- in
: setenableMiniWindow=false
to disable floating mini window
- in
IMPORTANT for Docker
gpg --generate-key
# if you want to change expiry duration:
gpg --edit-key <generated-public-key>
# you will be prompted for options (0 means no expiry, etc.)
0 # if you want
exit # if save did not exit you to the gpg-shell
pass init <generated-public-key>
source: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/
sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose paru -S docker-desktop
- create the
sudo groupadd docker
- add to user to docker group
# check user echo $USER sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # log out and log back in to save (can also reboot if necessary) # check if docker is in groups: groups
- start/enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
- create the
check docker commands by running
docker --help
ordocker-compose --help
orman docker
some useful commands:docker ps docker-compose ps
- login to docker
docker login -u <username>
- Install .NET Packages
sudo pacman -S dotnet-runtime dotnet-sdk aspnet-runtime
- Install VS Code and JetBrains Toolbox (Optional)
- Install EF Core globally
Dotnet (C#/.NET)
- Install EF Core globally
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- if in Linux, add /.dotnet/tools to PATH in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or any shell resource configs
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools"
- Verify install of dotnet-ef
dotnet ef
PostgreSQL (details: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PostgreSQL):
sudo -S pacman postgresql
- run postgres user:
sudo -iu postgres
- Initialize database cluster for PostgreSQL to function correctly:
initdb --locale=C.UTF-8 --encoding=UTF8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data --data-checksums
- Start and Enable the
via systemctl:
systemctl start postgresql.service systemctl enable postgresql.service
Create a database and Access the database shell
- Become the postgres user.
- Then add a new database role / user (optional, postgres user by default):
[postgres]$ createuser --interactive
- Then create a database:
createdb myDatabaseName
- If did not work: add
-U postgres
to the previous command - Access the database shell:
psql -d myDatabaseName
- Some helpful commands (inside postgres shell): Get help:
=> \help # List all databases: => \l # Connect to a particular database: => \c database # List all users and their permission levels: => \du # Show summary information about all tables in the current database: => \dt # Exit/quit the psql shell: => \q # or press Ctrl+d. # There are of course many more meta-commands, but these should help you get started. To see all meta-commands run: => \?
MORE INFO ON THE ARCH WIKI: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PostgreSQL
REMEMBER: Most problems are user generated, DON'T BREAK YOUR OWN COMPUTER (Arch itself is stable)
- Use timeshift for snapshots (backups)
# update mirrorlist via EOS welcome
update the Arch mirrors
update the EOS mirrors
# OR manually:
# update mirrorlist
sudo reflector --protocol https --verbose --latest 25 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# update eos mirrorlist
eos-rankmirrors --verbose
# update system
paru # or yay (depending on your AUR helper)
# clear journalctl
journalctl --vacuum-time=4weeks
# clean cache and all uninstalled packages (keep 3 versions by default)
paccache -ruk0
# remove orphans
pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)
- auto move
config (~/.config/{selected_dir}):
- bspwm/
- alacritty/
- eww/
- neofetch/
- nvim/lua/config
- nvim/lua/plugins
- ranger/
- paru/
- zsh/
home (~/{selected_dir}):
- .zshrc
- .ideavimrc
- nightTab/
- Code/settings.json (different dir since this is from the vscode profile)
- applications/ranger.desktop (~/.local/share/applications/)
- bin/ (~/.local/bin/)
- firefox/ (~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release/) --> can be not symlinked
- fonts/ (~/.local/share/fonts/)
Special Thanks to gh0stzk / z0mbi3