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Pull requests: el-tegy/pycounts_ja2327072339

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Pull requests list

⬆️ bump jupyterlab-server from 2.24.0 to 2.25.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#157 opened Nov 8, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump black from 21.12b0 to 23.11.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#156 opened Nov 8, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump importlib-resources from 6.0.0 to 6.1.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#155 opened Nov 7, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump rpds-py from 0.9.2 to 0.12.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#154 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump qtconsole from 5.4.3 to 5.5.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#153 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump jupyter-client from 8.3.0 to 8.6.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#152 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump jupyter-server from 2.7.2 to 2.10.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#151 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump nbconvert from 7.7.4 to 7.11.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#150 opened Nov 6, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump fonttools from 4.42.0 to 4.44.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#149 opened Nov 3, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump sqlalchemy from 2.0.20 to 2.0.23 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#148 opened Nov 2, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump jupyterlab from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#147 opened Nov 2, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump matplotlib from 3.7.2 to 3.8.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#146 opened Nov 1, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump ipython from 8.14.0 to 8.17.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#145 opened Oct 31, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump jsonschema from 4.19.0 to 4.19.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#144 opened Oct 30, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump traitlets from 5.9.0 to 5.13.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#143 opened Oct 30, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump identify from 2.5.26 to 2.5.31 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#141 opened Oct 30, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump filelock from 3.12.2 to 3.13.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#140 opened Oct 30, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump asttokens from 2.2.1 to 2.4.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#137 opened Oct 26, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump ipykernel from 6.25.1 to 6.26.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#136 opened Oct 25, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump shellingham from 1.5.0.post1 to 1.5.4 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#132 opened Oct 24, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump pytest from 6.2.5 to 7.4.3 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#131 opened Oct 24, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump qtpy from 2.3.1 to 2.4.1 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#130 opened Oct 24, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump virtualenv from 20.24.2 to 20.24.6 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#128 opened Oct 23, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump pylint from 2.17.5 to 3.0.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#127 opened Oct 23, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
⬆️ bump gitpython from 3.1.32 to 3.1.40 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file python Pull requests that update Python code
#125 opened Oct 18, 2023 by dependabot bot Loading…
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