This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.0.4.
To start a local development server, run:
ng serve
Once the server is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload whenever you modify any of the source files.
Angular CLI includes powerful code scaffolding tools. To generate a new component, run:
ng generate component component-name
For a complete list of available schematics (such as components
, directives
, or pipes
), run:
ng generate --help
To build the project run:
ng build
This will compile your project and store the build artifacts in the dist/
directory. By default, the production build optimizes your application for performance and speed.
To execute unit tests with the Karma test runner, use the following command:
ng test
- enter trip data
- see trip data
- filtering data
- tripData Service
it array of object , each object is represent a location , and inside each object there is an city amount data . that represent the amount of suctions of the city in each country
- connect the add new city to the form control and the signal to the ui
- conect the html to the dynamic form
- make sending the from and storing the form in json file
- make component to display the date from the json
- make filter component and implement it