postgres-operator-examples Public
Forked from CrunchyData/postgres-operator-examplesExamples for deploying applications with PGO, the Postgres Operator from Crunchy Data
Handlebars Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedMar 14, 2023 -
feast Public
Forked from feast-dev/feastFeature Store for Machine Learning
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 12, 2023 -
netatmo Public
Forked from rene-d/netatmoPython3 API for the Netatmo Weather Station
Python The Unlicense UpdatedAug 29, 2021 -
duplicacy Public
Forked from gilbertchen/duplicacyA new generation cloud backup tool
Go Other UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
NiFi-Rule-engine-processor Public
Forked from alefbt/NiFi-Rule-engine-processorDrools processor for Apache NiFi
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
xgboost Public
Forked from dmlc/xgboostScalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow
C++ Other UpdatedMar 6, 2019 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 13, 2019 -
nb_conda Public
Forked from anaconda/nb_condaConda environment and package access extension from within Jupyter
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
PySceneDetect Public
Forked from Breakthrough/PySceneDetect🎥 A Python/OpenCV-based scene detection program, using threshold/content analysis on a given video.
Python Other UpdatedOct 13, 2017 -
abce Public
Forked from AB-CE/abceAgent-Based Complete Economy, the Python library that makes AB modelling easier..
Python UpdatedSep 6, 2017 -
StrokeWidthTransform Public
Forked from mypetyak/StrokeWidthTransformA playground implementing Epshtein, Ofek, and Wexler's Stroke Width Transform
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2017 -
shinyFiles Public
Forked from thomasp85/shinyFilesA shiny extension for server side file access
R UpdatedMay 23, 2017 -
acrosync-library Public
Forked from gilbertchen/acrosync-libraryrsync client library
C++ Other UpdatedApr 18, 2017 -
NakedTensor Public
Forked from jostmey/NakedTensorBare bone examples of machine learning in TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 14, 2017 -
pytypes Public
Forked from Stewori/pytypesTyping-toolbox for Python 3 _and_ 2.7 w.r.t. PEP 484.
Python Other UpdatedFeb 17, 2017 -
imagehash Public
Forked from JohannesBuchner/imagehashA Python Perceptual Image Hashing Module
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedFeb 10, 2017 -
mesa Public
Forked from projectmesa/mesaMesa is a agent-based modeling framework in Python
Python Other UpdatedAug 25, 2016 -
YapHash Public
Forked from viat/YapHashYapHash is a perceptual fingerprint for audio identification purposes. This is the standalone version of the VIAT featureX
C UpdatedMay 16, 2013