Chicory is a JVM native WebAssembly runtime. It allows you to run WebAssembly programs with zero native dependencies or JNI. Chicory can run Wasm anywhere that the JVM can go. It is designed with simplicity and safety in mind. See the development section for a better idea of what we are trying to achieve and why.
Reach out to us: Chicory is very early in development and there will be rough edges. We're hoping to talk to some early adopters and contributors before we formally announce it a beta to the world. Please join our team Zulip chat with this invite link if you're interested in providing feedback or contributing. Or just keeping up with development.
To use the runtime, you need to add the com.dylibso.chicory:runtime
to your dependency management system.
implementation 'com.dylibso.chicory:runtime:0.0.12'
The Chicory CLI is available for download on Maven at the link:<version>/cli-<version>.sh
you can download the latest version and use it locally with few lines:
export VERSION=$(wget -q -O - --header "Accept: application/json" | jq -r '.[0].name')
wget -O chicory${VERSION}/cli-${VERSION}.sh
chmod a+x chicory
First your Wasm module must be loaded from disk and then "instantiated". Let's download a test module . This module contains some code to compute factorial:
Download from the link or with curl:
curl > factorial.wasm
Now let's load this module and instantiate it:
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.ExportFunction;
import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.Value;
import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.Module;
import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.Parser;
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Instance;
// point this to your path on disk
Module module = Parser.parse(new File("./factorial.wasm"));
Instance instance = Instance.builder(module).build();
You can think of the module
as the inert code and the instance
as a virtual machine
loaded with the code and ready to execute.
Wasm modules, like all code modules, can export functions to the outside
world. This module exports a function called "iterFact"
. We can get a handle to this function using Instance#export(String)
ExportFunction iterFact = instance.export("iterFact");
iterFact can be invoked with the apply()
method. We must map any java types to a wasm type and do the reverse
when we want to go back to Java. This export function takes an i32
argument. We can use a method like Value#asInt()
on the return value to get back the Java integer:
long result = iterFact.apply(5)[0];
System.out.println("Result: " + result); // should print 120 (5!)
Note: Functions in Wasm can have multiple returns but here we're just taking the first returned value.
Wasm only understands basic integer and float primitives. So passing more complex types across the boundary involves
passing pointers. To read, write, or allocate memory in a module, Chicory gives you the Memory
class. Let's look at an
example where we have a module count_vowels.wasm
, written in rust, that takes a string input and counts the number of vowels
in the string:
curl > count_vowels.wasm
Build and instantiate this module:
Instance instance = Instance.builder(Parser.parse(new File("./count_vowels.wasm"))).build();
ExportFunction countVowels = instance.export("count_vowels");
To pass it a string, we first need to put the string in the module's memory. To make this easier and safe, the module gives us some extra exports to allow us to allocate and deallocate memory:
ExportFunction alloc = instance.export("alloc");
ExportFunction dealloc = instance.export("dealloc");
Let's allocate Wasm memory for a string and put in the instance's memory. We can do this with Memory#put
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Memory;
Memory memory = instance.memory();
String message = "Hello, World!";
int len = message.getBytes().length;
// allocate {len} bytes of memory, this returns a pointer to that memory
int ptr = (int) alloc.apply(len)[0];
// We can now write the message to the module's memory:
memory.writeString(ptr, message);
Now we can call countVowels
with this pointer to the string. It will do it's job and return the count. We will
call dealloc
to free that memory in the module. Though the module could do this itself if you want:
var result = countVowels.apply(ptr, len)[0];
dealloc.apply(ptr, len);
assert(3L == result); // 3 vowels in Hello, World!
On its own, Wasm can't do anything but compute. It cannot affect the outside world. This might seem like a weakness but it's actually Wasm's greatest strength. By default, programs are sandboxed and have no capabilities. If you want a program to have capabilities, you must provide them. This puts you in the seat of the operating system. A module can ask for a capability by listing an "import" function in it's bytecode format. You can fulfill this import with a host function written in Java. Regardless of the language of the module, it can call this Java function when it needs. If it helps, you can think of host functions like syscalls or a languages standard library but you decide what they are and how they behave and it's written in Java.
Let's download another example module to demonstrate this:
curl > logger.wasm
This module expects us to fulfil an import with the name console.log
which will allow the module to log to the stdout.
Let's write that host function:
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.HostFunction;
import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.ValueType;
var func = new HostFunction(
(Instance instance, long... args) -> { // decompiled is: console_log(13, 0);
var len = (int) args[0];
var offset = (int) args[1];
var message = instance.memory().readString(offset, len);
return null;
List.of(ValueType.I32, ValueType.I32),
Again we're dealing with pointers here. The module calls console.log
with the length of the string
and the pointer (offset) in its memory. We again use the Memory
class but this time we're pulling a string
out of memory. We can then print that to stdout on behalf of our Wasm program.
Note that the HostFunction needs 3 things:
- A lambda to call when the Wasm module invokes the import
- The namespace and function name of the import (in our case it's console and log respectively)
- The Wasm type signature (this function takes 2 i32s as arguments and returns nothing)
Now we just need to pass this host function in during our instantiation phase:
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.ExternalValues;
var hostFunctions = new ExternalValues(new HostFunction[] {func});
var instance = Instance.builder(Parser.parse(new File("./logger.wasm"))).withExternalValues(hostFunctions).build();
var logIt = instance.export("logIt");
// should print "Hello, World!" 10 times
A Store is an intermediate-level abstraction that collects Wasm function, global, memory, and table instances as named entities.
It simplifies creating instances when there are a lot of interdependencies, by collecting all the
In the simplest case, it allows to register single host functions, globals, memories and tables:
import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Store;
// instantiate the store
var store = new Store();
// registers `console.log` in the store (see the previous section for the definition of `func`)
However, the store also automatically exposes the exports of a module to the other instances that are registered.
// registers the `instance` created earlier (see the previous section) with the name `logger`
store.register("logger", instance);
// now the exported function `logIt` can be imported by other modules as `logger.logIt`
There is also a shorthand method to instantiate a module and register the resulting instance:
var logger2 = store.instantiate("logger2", Parser.parse(new File("./logger.wasm")));
This is equivalent to:
var external = store.toExternalValues();
var m = Parser.parse(new File("./logger.wasm"));
var instance = Instance.builder(m).withExternalValues(external).build();
store.register("logger2", instance);
Notice that registering two instances with the same name results in overwriting the
functions, globals, memories, tables with matching names. In this case, the new logger2.logIt
overwrote the old logger2.logIt
The current Store
is a mutable object, not meant to be shared (it is not thread-safe).
A Store
does not resolve interdependencies between modules in itself: if your set of modules
have interdependencies, you will have to instantiate and register them in the right order.
If you'd prefer to watch a video instead of reading, see our 2024 Wasm I/O on the subject:
There are a number of mature Wasm runtimes to choose from to execute a Wasm module. To name a few v8, wasmtime, wasmer, wasmedge, etc.
Although these can be great choices for running a Wasm application, embedding them into your existing Java application has some downsides. Because these runtimes are written in C/C++/Rust/etc, they must be distributed and run as native code. This causes two main friction points:
If you're distributing a Java library (jar, war, etc), you must now distribute along with it a native object targeting the correct architecture and operating system. This matrix can become quite large. This eliminates a lot of the simplicity and original benefit of shipping Java code.
At runtime, you must use FFI to execute the module. While there might be performance benefits to doing this for some modules, when you do, you're effectively escaping the safety and observability of the JVM. Having a pure JVM runtime means all your security and memory guarantees, and your tools, can stay in place.
- Be as safe as possible
- In that we are willing to sacrifice things like performance for safety and simplicity
- Make it easy to run Wasm in any JVM environment without native code, including very restrictive environments.
- Fully support the core Wasm spec
- Make integration with Java (and other host languages) easy and idiomatic.
- Be a standalone runtime
- Be the fastest runtime
- Be the right choice for every JVM project
Chicory development was started in September, 2023. The following are the milestones we're aiming for. These are subject to change but represent our best guesses with current information. These are not necessarily sequential and some may be happening in parallel. Unless specified, any unchecked box is still not planned or started. If you have an interest in working on any of these please reach out in Zulip!
- Wasm binary parser link
- Simple bytecode interpreter
- Establish basic coding and testing patterns
- Generate JUnit tests from wasm test suite link
- Make all tests green with the interpreter (important for correctness)
- Implement validation logic (important for safety)
- Nearing completion
- Draft of the v1.0 API (important for stability and dx)
The primary goal here is to create an AOT compiler that generates JVM bytecode as interpreting bytecode can only be so fast.
- Decouple interpreter and create separate compiler and interpreter "engines"
- Proof of concept AOT compiler (run some subset of modules)
- AOT engine passes all the same specs as interpreter (stretch goal)
- In Progress
- Off-heap linear memory (stretch goal)
- WASIp1 Support (including test gen)
- We have partial support for wasip1 and test generation
- SIMD Support
- Started
- Multi-Memory Support
- GC Support
- Threads Support
- Component Model Support
Contributors and other advanced users may want to build the runtime from source. To do so, you'll need to have Maven installed.
Java version 11+
required for a proper build. You can download and install Java 11 Temurin
Basic steps:
mvn clean install
to run all of the project's tests and install the library in your local repomvn -Dquickly
to install the library skipping all testsmvn -Ddev <...goals>
to disable linters and enforcers during developmentmvn spotless:apply
to autoformat the code./scripts/
will recompile and regenerate theresources/compiled
NOTE: The install
target relies on the wabt
library to compile the test suite. This is not currently released for ARM (e.g. new Macs with Apple Silicon). However, wabt
is available from Homebrew, so brew install wabt
before running mvn clean install
should work.
For maximum compatibility and to avoid external dependencies we use, by default, the JDK Platform Logging (JEP 264).
You can configure it by providing a
using the java.util.logging.config.file
property and here you can find the possible configurations.
For more advanced configuration scenarios we encourage you to provide an alternative, compatible, adapter:
It's also possible to provide a custom com.dylibso.chicory.log.Logger
implementation if JDK Platform Logging is not available or doesn't fit.