Before you begin, you must do the following:
- Have a business account enabled on GCP (more about this below)
- Create a Billing Account and export its ID:
- Authenticate in
with an account that has the Organization Administrator role:
gcloud auth login
- Grant Folder Admin role to your account at the organization level, so you can create folders:
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding {YOUR_ORGAZINATION_ID} \
--member=user:{YOUR_EMAIL} --role=roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin
- Create a folder under your organization, and export its ID as an environment variable:
gcloud resource-manager folders create \
--display-name={DISPLAY_NAME} \
- Grant Owner permission to your account at the folder level, so you can use it to manage projects and other resources:
gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding $TF_VAR_FOLDER_ID \
--member=user:{YOUR_EMAIL} --role=roles/owner
Note: This is a legacy role with too much power. Using it as a shortcut.
- (Recommended) Export a random suffix to reduce risk of your project ID clashing with existing projects:
- Initialize Terraform
terraform init
Teraform's google_project
resource requires either a folder_id
or an org_id
. If you already have a project, you can remove those resources
from the script and use your project_id
To spin up the infrastructure, run:
terraform apply
Once the script finishes, you can ssh
into the VM you just created with the command:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-c" "terraform-instance" --project "terraform-project${SUFFIX}"
To teardown the infrastructure, run:
terraform destroy