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The Radviz-Plotly package has two functions, 2DRadViz that plots the 2D Radial visualization and 3DRadViz that plots Radial visualization, using the powerful interactive tools in Plotly library.
Try the RadViz-Plotly package without locally Installation
Follow these steps
1- Click this link here. It's a collection of interactive Jupyter notebooks that contains three folders. Each folder contains Dataset and a Jupyter file that use RadViz-Plotly.
Hint: sometimes this link takes a long time to open as jupyter's environment.
2- After the jupyter environment comes out, open Car Evaluation Dataset, Election Dataset, or Iris Dataset folder.
3- Open file with extension .ipynb (the jupyter file)
4- After the jypyter file loading, from the cell list on the toolbar click Run All
A- At the first running time, it takes time to install the dependences.
B- This is an interactive RadViz package where you can make zoom, fillter lables, and rotate the 3D graph
C- This packge depends on the packge
1- Install RadViz Plotly using this command
pip install RadViz-Plotly
2- Download examples repository using this command
git clone
or Download by clicking here
3- Run these examples using jupyter labs to understand how to use RadViz-Plotly package
The RadViz-Plotly is developed by a research group on the IoT lab at Ontario tech university. The Radviz-Plotly package has two functions, 2DRadViz that plots the 2D Radial visualization and 3DRadViz that plots Radial visualization, using the powerful interactive tools in Plotly library.
Kindly cite this paper in your research if it helps your work.
A. Elewah, A. A. Badawi, H. Khalil, S. Rahnamayan and K. Elgazzar, "3D-RadViz: Three Dimensional Radial Visualization for Large-Scale Data Visualization," 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2021, pp. 1037-1046, doi: 10.1109/CEC45853.2021.9504983.
Email: [email protected]
Code released under the MIT license.