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Set up an A/B test with different available Hyvä and Luma checkouts

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This extension allows you to set up an A/B test with different available Hyvä and the Luma fallback checkout.

You can configure a specific split between multiple checkouts, like the configured Hyva Checkout and the Luma fallback checkout. Or between the Hyva Checkout onepage version and the Hyva Checkout multi-step version.


composer require elgentos/magento2-hyva-checkout-ab-test
bin/magento set:up


You can enable the extension under Stores > Configuration > Hyvä Themes > Checkout > A/B Test.



You can check the progress of the A/B test by running this query;

SELECT quote.active_checkout_namespace as checkout, COUNT(quote.entity_id) as quotes, COUNT(sales_order.quote_id) as orders, (COUNT(sales_order.quote_id) / COUNT(quote.entity_id)*100) as conversion_percentage
FROM quote
         LEFT JOIN sales_order ON quote.entity_id = sales_order.quote_id AND sales_order.state IN ('completed', 'processing')
WHERE quote.active_checkout_namespace IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY quote.active_checkout_namespace;

If you want to see the results in the Magento admin, you can install degdigital/magento2-customreports and add the above query. Be sure to leave out the SQL_MODE part (Magento does this for you) and leave no trailing/leading white lines.

The report will look like this;
