- All scripts are in scripts/
- The model that predicts whether someone is likely to be working at baseline is model_1.R, and uses Naive Bayes.
- The model that predicts whether someone is likely to be working after 6 months is model_2.R, and uses KNN.
- model_2.R also runs a hierachical clustering model to explore the data.
- All cleaning and model exploration scripts are in scripts/exploration+cleaning/
- The cleaning script, scripts/exploration+cleaning/clean_data.R, outputs a RDS file used for the supervised models (clean_data.RDS) and a csv file which is used for the clustering model (dataframe2.csv).
- The script scripts/exploration+cleaning/part_2_exploration.R, was used to investigate which models were best for model_2. Have a look if you'd like to see what other models were tried!
Open the folder in RStudio and run the models!