Go here to download the Windows Binary (.zip) for 64-bit
Unzip file and save into a directory where it will not get deleted (for example: C:\Users\eli\Downloads\node-v6.11.0-win-x64'
Click windows start menu and search 'path' in the 'Search program and files input box'
Select 'Edit enviromental variables for account'
Select 'PATH' and click edit
At the end of the variable value input box add a semi colon and a percent sign, then copy and past the directory location of the unzip file the follow it wth a percent sign. (for example: ;%C:\Users\eli\Downloads\node-v6.11.0-win-x64%'
To test if you have successfully added node to your PATH variable open owershell or your perfered command line and run
node -v
This should return your current version of node.
Using powershell or another command line ui cd
into the directory you added to your path then cd node_modules
(for example: cd \Users\eli\Downloads\node-v6.11.0-win-x64\node_modules
Then run each of these commands:
npm install vo
npm install nightmare
npm write-csv
npm html-to-text
exports.linkedEmail = function(){
return '{linkedin email}';
exports.linkedPassword = function(){
return '{linkedin password}';
exports.rkEmail = function(){
return '{rainking email}';
exports.rkPassword = function(){
return '{rainking password}';
//note: make sure list below are all the same size
exports.linkQuery = function(){
return ['{linkedin people search query}','{repeat n times}'];
exports.rainkingQuery = function(){
return ['{rainking name of account}','{repeat n times}'];
exports.googleNewsQuery = function(){
return ['{duck duck go query for news}','{ repeat n times}'];
exports.googleJobsQuery = function(){
return ['{duck duck go query for jobs}','{ repeat n times}'];
exports.googleReportQuery = function(){
return ['{duck duck go query for reports}','{repeat n times}'];
the directory where sdr-scrap is located (for example: cd \Users\eli\Downloads\sdr-scrap
Then run the command
node scrape.js