this boilerplate will provide you the ability to deliver designed and translatable applications in fast, with the best development practices.
eslint Airbnb plugin installation as a dev dependency required in order to format your code. integrated with Plop && Handlebars in order to shorten redux development time.
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
- edit the fb.js file with your private firebase project configurations.
- replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID value in the package.json with your firebase project_id
- run
npm run add-redux
and answer the CLI questions
- connect your firebase project and navigate to:
- verify that you have changed your credentials in the firebase.js file + the package.json PROJECT_ID attribute with yours
- run
npm run deploy
and your app is in production!
- add you translation keys to the "he.json" + "en.json" files and use like:
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
const { t } = useTranslation();
return <span>{t('welcome_to_webo_app')}</span>
- exposing the next components:
- "Text" a DIV wrapper with a several props, the most importantn is the "size" field, which accept the next options:
small: '12px', default: '14px', large: '16px', xlarge: '20px', xxlarge: '24px', xxxlarge: '28px', title: '40px'
- "TextSpan" a SPAN wrapper which accept the same fields as the Text above.
- "FlexDivCenter" a flexed centered DIV, which accept the same fields as the Text above.
- visit Typography.jsx for more details.
- "Text" a DIV wrapper with a several props, the most importantn is the "size" field, which accept the next options: