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Technology Solutions

Webo App bootstrap

based on React, Redux, Ant Design, Styled Components, I18N and Firebase.

this boilerplate will provide you the ability to deliver designed and translatable applications in fast, with the best development practices.

eslint Airbnb plugin installation as a dev dependency required in order to format your code. integrated with Plop && Handlebars in order to shorten redux development time.

Getting started:

clone the repository and then
  • run npm install
  • run npm start
  • edit the fb.js file with your private firebase project configurations.
  • replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID value in the package.json with your firebase project_id

Add new redux entity (action + reducer end 2 end):
  • run npm run add-redux and answer the CLI questions

Firebase deployment

Translate your app
  • add you translation keys to the "he.json" + "en.json" files and use like: import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; const { t } = useTranslation(); return <span>{t('welcome_to_webo_app')}</span>

  • exposing the next components:
    • "Text" a DIV wrapper with a several props, the most importantn is the "size" field, which accept the next options: small: '12px', default: '14px', large: '16px', xlarge: '20px', xxlarge: '24px', xxxlarge: '28px', title: '40px'
    • "TextSpan" a SPAN wrapper which accept the same fields as the Text above.
    • "FlexDivCenter" a flexed centered DIV, which accept the same fields as the Text above.
    • visit Typography.jsx for more details.

Enjoy! and contact me if your need some help: [email protected]