Examples of SQL scripts. Includes scripts designed for creating a data base, common table expressions, analyzing data, ETL, and admin.
Scripts which illustrate basic admin commands using SQL Server.
- Perform a full backup of the database.Deadlock
- Retrieves all the current lock information for database objects from the system dynamic management view.MonitorPerformance
- Lists SQL Server queries that have been running for longer than 5 minutes, showing details like the query text, session ID, status, command type, CPU time, and total elapsed time, ordered by the longest running queries first.Restore
- Restores database from a backup file.
Scripts which illustrate how to clean data using SQL.
- Format each entry so that the first letter is uppercase and all subsequent letters are lowercase.CorrectingNulls
- Replaces any NULL values in that column with a 'Default Value'.DeleteOprhans
- Deletes rows from a child table (ChildTable) where values in a specified column (ChildColumn) do not have corresponding entries in a column (ParentColumn) of a parent table (ParentTable).RemoveDuplicates
- Removes duplicate rows from a specified table based on a specific column, keeping the row with the higher ID value and deleting the others.StandardizingDates
- Updates a date column in a specified table by converting date strings from a DD/MM/YYYY format to a standard date format, applying this change only to those entries that match the DD/MM/YYYY pattern.StandardizingPhoneNumbers
- Updates a phone number column in a specified table by removing any non-numeric characters from the phone numbers, applying this change only to entries that contain non-numeric characters.TrimeWhiteSpace
- Removes leading and trailing white spaces from specified columns applying this operation only to entries in those columns where leading or trailing spaces are detected.UpdateValues
- Replaces a user specified value with a different user specified value.
Scripts designed to work across different tables without hardcoding table or variable names.
- Generate descriptive statistics (frequency and percent of null, range, if numeric mean, standard deviation etc) for all columns in a table.FuzzyJoin
- Demonstration ofCHARINDEX
fuzzy join in SQL server. Illustrates using interim tables and saves to optimize performance.KeyFinder
- Look for possible keys based on column names across tables. If no exact matches are found, uses soundex to find approximate matches.TableProfiler
- Analyze structure of tables using metadata.
Scripts which illustrate the set-up, use, and maintence for a fake (mock) database. These scripts are organized into the following directories.
Analyze Database
- Scripts that demonstrate how to analyze the mock database. Calculate outcomes such as sales trends over time, sales proportion by product category, average purchase per user, and more.CTEs
- Common table expresion scripts; Illustrating how to delete, join, query recent orders, recursive joining, updating, analyzing records, and more.Create Database
- Scripts used to construct a mock database (see schema for database below).Data Migrations
- Script used to show how to migrate old users to new users table with adjustments.Data Validation
- Scripts designed to show how data validation can be automated.ETL
- How to stage, create, ad insert a product sales table for reproducible reporting.Feature Engineering
- How to econde, normalize, and extract features from tables for establishing pipelines.Roles
- Create and manage role and user role information.Security
- Scripts designed with security in mind. Illustrates encryption, validation, authentication, hash passwords etc.Triggers
- Demonstrating how to automatically update tables based on event occurences. Includes scripts such as audit logging, email change notifications, stock management, etc.
A schema of the mock database is listed below.
(Primary Key, Auto Increment)Username
(Varchar(50), Not Null)Email
(Varchar(100), Not Null, Unique)PasswordHash
(Varchar(255), Not Null)DateJoined
(Datetime, Not Null)LastLogin
- Has multiple
(Primary Key, Auto Increment)OrderID
(Foreign Key referencingOrders.OrderID
(Foreign Key referencingProducts.ProductID
(Integer, Not Null, Check Constraint: Quantity > 0)PriceAtTimeOfOrder
(Decimal(10, 2), Not Null)
- Belongs to an
. - References a
(Primary Key, Auto Increment)UserID
(Foreign Key referencingUsers.UserID
(Datetime, Not Null)TotalAmount
(Decimal(10, 2), Not Null, Check Constraint: TotalAmount >= 0)Status
(Varchar(50), Not Null)
- Belongs to a
. - Contains multiple
(Primary Key, Auto Increment)ProductName
(Varchar(100), Not Null)Description
(Decimal(10, 2), Not Null, Check Constraint: Price >= 0)Stock
(Integer, Not Null, Check Constraint: Stock >= 0)DateAdded
(Datetime, Not Null)
Relationships: Can be related to OrderDetails
as needed.
Scripts which illustrate setting up schemas for multiples users in AWS Redshift.
- Create master table with log.01-client_schema_procedure
- Set up a schema for each client.02-grant_permissions
- Grant access to users.03-apply_schema_change
- Apply a change to schemas.RedshiftClientListUpdater
- Python functions to load client IDs.