- Topics:
- Python Basics (variables, data types, operators)
- Control Structures (if-else, loops)
- Functions and Modules
- Error Handling
- Project:
- Simple Calculator
- Topics:
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Project:
- Library Management System
- Topics:
- Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
- Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists
- Searching and Sorting Algorithms
- Recursion
- Project:
- Implement a Custom Data Structure (e.g., Priority Queue)
- Topics:
- Introduction to Flask
- Routing and Views
- Templates and Static Files
- Forms and User Input
- Database Integration with SQLAlchemy
- Project:
- Blog Application
- Topics:
- SQL Basics (CRUD operations)
- Database Design and Normalization
- Using SQLite/PostgreSQL with Python
- ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers)
- Project:
- Inventory Management System
- Topics:
- REST Principles
- Building APIs with Flask-RESTful
- Authentication and Authorization
- API Documentation (Swagger/OpenAPI)
- Project:
- E-commerce API
- Topics:
- Introduction to Asyncio
- Async/Await Syntax
- Asynchronous Web Frameworks (e.g., FastAPI)
- Project:
- Real-time Chat Application
- Topics:
- Unit Testing with unittest/pytest
- Mocking and Patching
- Debugging Techniques
- Project:
- Test Suite for Previous Projects
- Topics:
- Containerization with Docker
- CI/CD Pipelines
- Deployment on Cloud Platforms (e.g., AWS, Heroku)
- Project:
- Deploy a Flask Application to Heroku
- Topics:
- Microservices Architecture
- GraphQL with Python
- WebSockets
- Security Best Practices
- Project:
- Microservices-based Application
- Task Tracker: Build a CLI app to track your tasks and manage your to-do list.
- GitHub User Activity: Use GitHub API to fetch user activity and display it in the terminal.
- Expense Tracker: Build a simple expense tracker to manage your finances.
- Number Guessing Game: Build a simple number guessing game to test your luck.
- Unit Converter: Unit converter to convert between different units of measurement.
- Personal Blog: Build a personal blog to write and publish articles on various topics.
- Blogging Platform API: Build a RESTful API for a personal blogging platform.
- Todo List API: Build a RESTful API to allow users to manage their to-do list.
- Weather API: Build a weather API that fetches and returns weather data.
- Expense Tracker API: Build an API for an expense tracker application.
- Caching Proxy: Build a caching server that caches responses from other servers.
- Markdown Note-taking App: Build a note-taking app that uses markdown for formatting.
- URL Shortening Service: Build a URL Shortener API that helps shorten long URLs.
- Broadcast Server: Build a server that can broadcast messages to connected clients.
- E-Commerce API: E-Commerce platform with cart and payment gateway integration.
- Workout Tracker: App to let users track their workouts and progress.
- Image Processing Service: Build a service that allows users to upload and process images.
- Scalable E-Commerce Platform: Build an e-commerce platform using microservices architecture.
- Movie Reservation System: Build a system that allows users to reserve movie tickets.
- Real-time Leaderboard: Create a real-time leaderboard system for ranking and scoring.
- Database Backup Utility: Build a database backup utility that can backup and restore any DB.
This curriculum covers fundamental to advanced topics in backend development with Python, along with practical projects to reinforce learning.