Turning mutability into stone.
Boost 1.48
This library includes a set of classes that implement persistent collections. A persistent collection are immutable data that provide modified copies when manipulated.
PersistentVector creates a vector of T objects.
add(T &data) returns a copy of the PersistentVector with data inserted.
pop() returns a copy of PersistentVector without the last data
put(unsigned int pos, T &newData) return a copy of PersistentVector replacing the data in position pos with newData
size() return vector size
get(unsigned int pos) returns the data in position pos
main.cpp provides an example:
Creates a PersistentVector of Persistent vectors of long called v2.
Iteratively inserts new vectors into v2, each one copy of the previous with a new data added.
Iteratively calls pop() until v2 is empty.
Writes the ellapsed time between operations;
Repeats this procedure with two kind of Vectors in order to compare times:
TranisentVectorCopy. A transient vector that uses an std::vector.
TransientVectorSPtr. A transient vector that uses an std::vector<shared_ptr >
Repeats the procedures again with a block of 10 chars.
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