This repository contains a Jupyter notebook that performs data analysis and machine learning on a runner's metrics, such as step frequency, heart rate, distance, and height. The code processes a CSV file of runner's track data, and performs the following tasks:
Task 1: Calculate the step frequency per minute, and report the average of these values.
Task 2: Perform K-means clustering on the height and heart rate data, and visualize the results with a scatter plot.
The repository also contains the original CSV file used in the analysis.
Please note that:
These tasks were orginally developed as a part of a take home assignment for an internship role at Optomatica.
This code was developed using ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, and was used as an example to demonstrate ChatGPT's ability to aid in data analysis and machine learning tasks.
This was generated by ChatGPT with minor edits.