Interact with tmux from Emacs.
emamux.el let emacs interact with tmux. emamux.el is inspired by tslime.vim and vimux.
is available on MELPA and MELPA stable
You can install emamux
with the following command.
M-x package-install [RET] emamux [RET]
- Emacs 24 or higher.
- tmux 1.5
Send command to specified target-session(session:window.pane).
Following is emamux:send-command
demo with ido completion.
target-session is set as default at first emamux:send-command
You can change default target-session with C-u
Yank from tmux
Copy content of (car kill-ring) to tmux buffer
You can change buffer index with Numerical Prefix.
Following commands can be executed only within tmux
Run command in a small split pane(runner pane
) where emacs is in.
Run last command in runner pane
Zoom runner runner pane
. This command requires tmux 1.8 or higher.
Move into the runner pane
and enter the copy mode.
Close runner pane
Close all other panes in current window.
Interrupt command which is running in runner-pane
Clear tmux history in runner-pane
Completing read function type. You can choice from 'normal
or 'ido
, or 'helm
Orientation of split pane, 'vertical or 'horizonal(Default is 'vertical).
Height of runner-pane
(Default is 20).
Use nearest pane as runner pane
instead of splitting pane(Default is nil).
It is useful for using emamux
to show session name
, window index
pane index
in tmux status bar.
# '#S' is session name, '#I' is window index, '#P' is pane index
set-option -g status-right '[#h###S:#I:#P]'
defines default keymap. You can use it by following configuration.
;; Bind keymap prefix to Ctrl-z
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") emamux:keymap)
Default keymap is as below.
Key | Command |
Prefix C-s | emamux:send-command |
Prefix C-y | emamux:yank-from-list-buffers |
Prefix M-! | emamux:run-command |
Prefix M-r | emamux:run-last-command |
Prefix M-s | emamux:run-region |
Prefix C-i | emamux:inspect-runner |
Prefix C-k | emamux:close-panes |
Prefix C-c | emamux:interrupt-runner |
Prefix M-k | emamux:clear-runner-history |
Prefix c | emamux:new-window |
Prefix C | emamux:clone-current-frame |
Prefix 2 | emamux:split-window |
Prefix 3 | emamux:split-window-horizontally |
'(emamux:completing-read-type 'helm))
- emamux-perl-test a set of commands to easily run perl tests
- emamux-ruby-test a set of commands to easily run ruby tests