Attempt to compile diffutils for Windows x64
original from and tweaked by me
# get mingw-w64, I already had it on my machine. The rest of these cmds are in MSYS bash.
tar xf diffutils-3.3.tar.xz
cd diffutils-3.3
patch -p1 -i diffutils-w64.patch
# fix with the "bonus patch" and then restart here
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/tmp/diffutils-3.3-mingw64 CFLAGS="-static"
# don't make check, at least not in MSYS...will fail. (I think because MSYS is running as 32-bit...?)
# I manually tested a couple text files in a separate cmd.exe
make install
The "bonus patch" I found from doing some crazy Googling. I just manually made the update, though, rather than using a patch file
Got this from my MSYS console after make install
$ file diff.exe
diff.exe: PE32+ executable for MS Windows (console) Mono/.Net assembly