@teselagen/ove (open-source vector editor - a tool for viewing and manipulating DNA/AA sequences)
@teselagen/ui (reusable react components)
@teselagen/bio-parsers (parsers and formatters for genbank/fasta/json/snapgene/geneious/jbei-xml)
@teselagen/sequence-utils (util functions for working with biological sequences (dna/rna/protein))
@teselagen/range-utils (util functions for working with biological ranges e.g. {start: 2, end: 61})
@teselagen/file-utils (util functions for working with files and blobs)
This is a monorepo composed of multiple packages under /packages. There are two types of packages, utils and ui (react) packages. UI packages have everything util packages have but also have a demo and e2e cypress tests. The config files for each package should extend the root config files.
We use NX to run tasks (https://nx.dev) and cache the task results. NX allows us to only lint/build/test the packages that have changed since the last commit and caches the results of the tasks for efficient reruns.
Install Deps
Install vscode extension for nx
Run commands (build/start/test/lint etc..) from the nx extension in vscode or from the command line
Or run them manually from the command line
nx run <package-name>:<command>
nx run ui:start
nx run ove:start
nx run ove:launch-e2e
nx run ove:build
nx run --target:<command>
nx run-many --target:build
nx run-many --target:build
using the vscode command prompt (cmd+shift+p): Nx: run-many publish Execute: nx run-many --target=publish