This repository contains the public release of the source code for The Homebrew Channel: Rebrewed. This is a fork of the original Homebrew Channel by fail0verflow with more stuff.
New features:
- Sorting by app size and author
- vWii: Menu option to reboot to the Wii U Menu
- Display of number of applications
Included portions:
- The Homebrew Channel
- Reload stub
- Banner
- PyWii (includes Alameda for banner creation), ported to Python 3
- WiiPAX (LZMA executable packer)
Not included:
- Installer
- BootMii nor the GUI (CE1LING_CAT)
Note that the code in this repository differs from the source code used to build the fail0verflow's version of The Homebrew Channel, which includes additional protection features (i.e. we had to add reverse-DRM to stop scammers from selling it).
This code is released with no warranty.
You need devkitPPC and libogc installed, and the DEVKITPRO/DEVKITPPC environment variables correctly set. Use the latest available versions. Make sure you have libogc/libfat, and also install the following 3rd party libraries:
- zlib
- libpng
- mxml
- freetype
- mad
You can obtain binaries of those with devkitPro pacman. Simply use
sudo (dkp-)pacman -S ppc-zlib ppc-libpng ppc-mxml ppc-freetype ppc-libmad
Additionally, you'll need the following packages on your host machine:
- pycryptodomex (for PyWii)
- libpng headers (libpng-dev)
- gettext
- sox
The build process has only been tested on Linux. You're on your own if you want to try building this on Windows.
- Note: Some libraries use Python 2. They should be ported to Python 3 soon but for now, have Python 2 installed on your system.
You'll need the Wii common key installed as ~/.wii/common-key.
First run 'make' in wiipax, then 'make' in channel. You'll find a .wad file that you can install or directly run with Dolphin under channel/title/channel_retail.wad. You'll also find executable binaries under channel/channelapp, but be advised that the NAND save file / theme storage features won't work properly if HBC isn't launched as a channel with its correct title identity/permissions.
Unless otherwise noted in an individual file header, all source code in this repository is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. The full text of the license can be found in the COPYING file.