- Fairy Tale is a godot demo game project where a main character with basic player movements and 3 different combat mechanics fights against mushroom-type test enemies in an open world surrounded by mountains and trees.
Enemies have 3 main areas.
1st area:
It is the outermost area, when exiting this area, the enemy returns to his spawn. -
2nd area:
is the field of view, when the character enters this area, the enemy is triggered and starts chasing the character and attacking the character. -
3rd area:
when this area hits the character, if the character is inside that area, it takes damage.
- "W,A,S,D" keys for movement, "Shift" to run fast and "Space" to jump.
- Inside the character node is a node named "target". Changes the rotation based on the "direction" value.
- A focus mark appears on the enemy closest to this target. Our character's next attack will be in this focus direction.
- Attack power is calculated in the "calc_power.gd" script.
- Returns a random attack power based on the "power" and "luck" values entered in the "get_power" function.
Located inside the enemy node.
Drawing "ShaderMaterial" taking "health" data from the enemy on the master node.
This picture always looks towards the camera.
Their quality deteriorates as they move away from trees and houses.
This is an important system for optimizing and values can be changed in the editor.
#on "assests/script/death.gd" :
func death_envs(delta):
if env.dof_blur_far_amount < death_env_blur_amount:
env.dof_blur_far_amount += delta * 0.01
if env.adjustment_saturation > death_env_saturation:
env.adjustment_saturation -= delta * 0.6
if env.adjustment_brightness > death_env_brightness:
env.adjustment_brightness -= delta * 0.1
The real pivot (the node to which the camera is attached) follows a dummy pivot.
When the mouse is rotated, actions take place on the dummy pivot.
#on "assests/script/player_movement.gd" :
if event is InputEventMouseMotion && Input.get_mouse_mode() != 0 and $ui.game:
var resultant = sqrt((event.relative.x * event.relative.x )+ (event.relative.y * event.relative.y ))
var rot = Vector3(-event.relative.y,-event.relative.x,0).normalized()
puppet_pivot.rotate_object_local(rot , resultant * mouse_sensivity)
puppet_pivot.rotation.z = clamp(puppet_pivot.rotation.z,deg2rad(-0),deg2rad(0))
puppet_pivot.rotation.x = clamp(puppet_pivot.rotation.x,deg2rad(-30),deg2rad(30))
func _physics_process(delta):
if $ui.game:
#pivot.rotation.z = lerp_angle(pivot.rotation.z, puppet_pivot.rotation.z ,delta * 10)
pivot.rotation.x = lerp_angle(pivot.rotation.x, puppet_pivot.rotation.x ,delta * 10)
pivot.rotation.y = lerp_angle(pivot.rotation.y, puppet_pivot.rotation.y ,delta * 10)
#pivot.rotation = pivot.rotation.linear_interpolate(puppet_pivot.rotation,delta * 10)
pivot.global_transform.origin = pivot.global_transform.origin.linear_interpolate(character.get_node("RemotePivot").global_transform.origin,delta *2)