Please make sure there's a userscript manager on your browser before install it.
這是一個 DM5 動漫屋、1kkk 漫畫人專用的使用者腳本。能一次展開漫畫該章全部頁數,並在閱讀完畢後自動換到下一章。
- 一次展開全部頁數
- 自適應寬度
- 自動滾動
- 點擊自工具列上的按鈕可調整滾動速度
- 點擊空白鍵啟動/暫停滾動
- 點擊上下鍵更改滾動速度
- 自動換章
- 顯示當下讀到的頁碼
- 隱藏廣告
請先安裝 Tampermonkey(Safari、Chrome)或 GreaseMonkey(Firefox)後點擊這裡。
This is a userscript for reading comics at DM5 and 1kkk. It can show all pages of a comic chapter at once and turn to next chapter automatically when finish reading.
- Show all pages at once
- Width adaptability
- Automatically scrolling
- Click the auto scroll button on control bar to change scrolling speed
- Press spacebar to start or stop auto scrolling
- Press ↑ and ↓ to adjust the speed
- Turn to next chapter automatically
- Show current page number
- Hide ads
Please install Tampermonkey (Safari、Chrome) or GreaseMonkey (Firefox) first, and then click here.