A RESTful API example for Hvv. Documentation can be found at: https://geofox.hvv.de/gti/doc/index.jsp
- Key and Username provided by HBT
The easiest way to use the HVV API in your Go project is to install it using go get:
go get https://github.com/emrearmagan/Hvv-REST-API
Before running, you should set the config values in config.go
func GetDeparuteRequest() *HVVDepartureListRequest {
return &HVVDepartureListRequest{
Origin: Station{Name: "ORIGIN", Type: "STATION", ID: "Master:41022"},
DateTime: DateTime{Date: "13.06.2019", Time: "14:00"},
Language: "de",
MaxList: 30,
ServiceTypes: []string{"BUS", "ZUG", "FAEHRE"},
MaxTimeOffset: 120,
ApiKey: "YOUR_KEY",
Username: "YOUR_USERNAME",
func GetRouteRequest() *HVVRequest {
return &HVVRequest{
Origin: Station{Name: "ORIGIN"},
Destinations: Station{Name: "DESTINATION"},
DateTime: DateTime{Date: "12.06.2019", Time: "14:00"},
Language: "de",
MaxList: 3,
Apikey: "YOUR_KEY",
Username: "YOUR_USERNAME",
Here is a quick example on how to get started. Create a new Client and get your Configs:
import "github.com/messagebird/go-rest-api"
client := app.NewClient()
request := config.GetRouteRequest()
request := config.GetDeparuteRequest
Now you can make simple API calls:
request, err := c.GetRoute(request)
if err != nil {
resp, err := c.DepartureList(request)
if err != nil {
Emre Armagan, [email protected]