A simple tool to view cards and decks for the digital collectible card game Hearthstone.
- create and show random deck
- show a deck by a given deck code
- show cards
- user can login and save their card collection
- since there is no way to manually maintain my card collection on HSReplay and there is no way of syncing on iOS, I wanted to have a tool to check missing cards for a given deck code
- have a look into Svelte (in combination with Sapper for server side rendering)
- have a look into Google Firebase
- git
- node.js
- yarn
- a firebase project
- clone the repo to you local machine (
git clone --recursive url-to-repository
) - go to the directory
- install node modules (just run
) - copy
and enter your firebase project credentials in the new file - update submodules (
git submodule update --recursive
) (in case you didn't cloned with--recusinve
- the app needs a collection named
- rule for this collection:
this allows users to just access their own collection, not other users collections
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /userCards/{userId} { allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId; } } }
yarn dev
Then open up localhost:3000 and start clicking around.
- update tiles
git submodule update --recursive
- update card databse
yarn download-card-db