A BadUSB Human Interface Device project that can store and execute 256 scripts at a time.
This project uses a microSD breakout module with a microSD card to store and execute the scripts from.
The scripts are executed according to the positions or states of the dip switches connected to the board.
This project requires the following prerequisites to be created:
- Arduino Pro Micro (Leonardo)
- microSD breakout module
- SD Card
- 8 way dip switch
Arduino microSD
D15 --> SCK
D14 --> MISO
D16 --> MOSI
10 --> CS
The 8 pins on one side of the dip switch are connected to pins 2 through 10.
The 8 pins on the other side are together connected to GND.
- Clone this repository
- Open Arduino IDE and select the correct port.
- Upload the sketch to the Arduino board.
- Download the core hex file.
- Upload them to the board using AVRdude.
The script naming convention is according to the switch states. Therefore, if all switches are in an off state, the script "00000000.txt" will be executed and it will execute script "11111111.txt" if all of them are in an on state.
The REPEAT feature of the Ducky script has not yet been implemented.
I am no way responsible for any misuse of the device or its source code. If you try to gain unauthorized access to information and get caught using my project and then point your finger at me, I will laugh at you and tell you to cry a river.