This is an Android demo application for viewing the popular Instagram feed.
Time spent: XX hours spent in total
Completed user stories:
- Required: User can scroll through current popular photos from Instagram
- Required: User can see details for each photo that include: the graphic, caption, and username
- Optional: User can see details for each photo that include: relative timestamp, like count, and user profile image
- Advanced: Add pull-to-refresh for popular stream
- Advanced: Show all the available comments for a photo delivered from the feed
- Advanced: Display each photo with the same style and proportions as the real Instagram (close to it)
- Advanced: Display each user profile image using a RoundedImageView
- Advanced: Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading
- Bonus: Allow video posts to be played in full-screen
- Bonus: Overlay a video play icon on Video posts
- Bonus: Allow a user to Login so that the user's feed can also be shown
- Bonus: Tapping a user's profile photo will display recent posts only by that user
Walkthrough of all user stories: The login credentials were scrubbed from the video walkthrough. The viewing of the self feed is not shown to protect the content of some private feeds (ping me if a demonstration is needed)
The client id was stripped from the code, add your own if you wish to compile and update the redirect URL too.
GIF created with LiceCap.