- Many different places in Canada
Tutorial to create a Rails local development environment for Windows 10 users, beginner friendly
An Automator utility to have iCloud Sync ignore an entire folder without losing access to the folder path
A Thread-Safe Ruby Client for the Bambora API
ActiveRecord adapter for JDBC and JRuby.
This is a bare Hobo app with omniauth
Former repo for Shoes... see README for up to date locations!
Validates Rails model belongs_to association existence
Hobo plugin for jQuery.UI widgets. This has been merged into Hobo 1.4.
ImageMagick installer script because macports sucks
SQL Server Adapter For Rails
Turn provides a set of alternative runners for MiniTest, both colorful and informative.
Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
A Mac OS X preference pane for easily configuring Rails applications with Passenger.
Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
JRuby's ActiveRecord adapter using JDBC.
This Rails plugin extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated_by attributes of your models in much the same way that the ActiveRecord::Timestamp module updates cr…
Ruby on Rails TextMate bundle [Learn it with PeepCode - http://peepcode.com/products/textmate-for-rails-2]