The JobTrack application is intended as a learning platform for the integration of FuelPHP, a PHP backend, and the Backbone.js Javascript framework.
My goal with the project is not to neccesarily make a fully-functioning application, but rather to learn about the challenges associated with integration a RESTful API backend into Backbone.
The functionality of the system includes:
- Being able to store position information
- Storing Applicant information
- Storing Position information
- Tagging on both Positions and Applicants
- Linking Positons and Applicants by tags
- Viewing lists of the most recent Applicants and Positions added
Technologies used:
- Backbone.js
- Require.js
- jQuery
- Underscore.js
- Bootstrap-dropdown (Twitter Bootstrap plugin)
- FuelPHP
- Unpack the files into your document root
- Create a database to use and run the
to create the tables - Load the app!
Default Database settings:
user: jobtrack
pwd: jt42
db name: jobtrack
(this information can be changed in app/config/db.php
@author Chris Cornutt [email protected]