hi im not a robot.
2048 oyunu olan her platformda çalışır ethos, singularity vs../ siteye sağ tıklayıp incele tuşuna basın ya da direk f12 basıp o ekrana erişin / açılan sayfada üstte Console yazan yere tıklayın ve alttaki kodu yapıştırın.
(function () {
// Bot flags.
var EVALUATE_ONLY = false;
var AUTO_RETRY = false;
// Search constants.
var SEARCH_TIME = 50;
var RETRY_TIME = 1000;
var ACCEPT_DEFEAT_VALUE = -999999;
// Evaluation constants.
var ADJ_DIFF_WEIGHT = -0.5;
0, 0, 0, 10,
0, 0, 0, 15,
0, 0, -5, 20,
10, 15, 20, 50
var LOG2 = {};
for (var i = 0 ; i < 20; i++) {
LOG2[1 << i] = i;
// Game constants.
var GRID_SIZE = 4;
var PROB_2 = 0.9;
// Move constants.
// drow: delta along row axis
// dcol: delta along column axis
// dir: iteration direction for correct merging
// keyCode: key code to send
// key: key name to send
var MOVE_UP = {
drow: -1,
dcol: 0,
dir: 0,
keyCode: 38,
key: 'Up'
var MOVE_DOWN = {
drow: 1,
dcol: 0,
dir: 1,
keyCode: 40,
key: 'Down'
var MOVE_LEFT = {
drow: 0,
dcol: -1,
dir: 0,
keyCode: 37,
key: 'Left'
var MOVE_RIGHT = {
drow: 0,
dcol: 1,
dir: 1,
keyCode: 39,
key: 'Right'
// If EVALUATE_ONLY flag is not set, play the game. If the flag is set (for
// development purposes), just print detailed evaluation output.
var grid = getGrid();
evaluate(grid, true);
else {
setInterval(nextMove, SEARCH_TIME);
// Press continue to keep playing if we win the game.
setInterval(function() {
if (gameWon()) {
// If AUTO_RETRY flag is set, print statistics and automatically retry after
// losses.
var games = 0;
var bestScore = 0;
var averageScore = 0;
var bestLargestTile = 0;
var averageLargestTile = 0;
setInterval(function() {
if (gameLost()) {
var score = getScore();
bestScore = Math.max(bestScore, score);
var grid = getGrid();
var largestTile = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
largestTile = Math.max(largestTile, grid[i]);
bestLargestTile = Math.max(bestLargestTile, largestTile);
averageScore = (averageScore * games + score) / (games + 1);
averageLargestTile = (averageLargestTile * games + largestTile) / (games + 1);
console.log('Game ' + games + '\n' +
'Score ' + score + '\n' +
'Largest tile ' + largestTile + '\n' +
'Average score ' + Math.round(averageScore) + '\n' +
'Average largest tile ' + Math.round(averageLargestTile) + '\n' +
'Best score ' + bestScore + '\n' +
'Best largest tile ' + bestLargestTile + '\n' +
search.table = {};
* Chooses and the next move and plays it.
function nextMove() {
var grid = getGrid();
var move = search(grid, SEARCH_DEPTH, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, true);
* Searches for the best move with depth-first search.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @param depth: search tree depth, where leaves are at depth 0.
* @param alpha: lower bound on search value.
* @param root: whether to treat the node as the root node.
* @return best move at root nodes, value of best move at other nodes.
function search(grid, depth, alpha, root) {
if (depth <= 0) {
return evaluate(grid);
if (!search.table) {
search.table = {};
// Look up game grid in the transposition table.
var key = getGridKey(grid);
var entry = search.table[key];
if (entry && entry.depth >= depth && (!entry.isBound || entry.value <= alpha)) {
return root ? entry.move : entry.value;
// If there was a transposition entry and its value couldn't be used,
// at least move its best move to the front of the current move list.
if (entry) {
var index = moves.indexOf(entry.move);
var temp = moves[index];
moves[index] = moves[0];
moves[0] = temp;
var bestMove = undefined;
var alphaImproved = false;
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
var copyGrid = copy(grid);
var move = moves[i];
if (make(copyGrid, move)) {
bestMove = bestMove || move;
var value = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Try to put a 2 in each free square. Don't bother with 4s because
// it doesn't seem to make any significant difference. Iterate from
// the bottom right because that's the corner favoured; try to get
// a minimum value early to exit early from the loop.
for (var j = copyGrid.length - 1; j >= 0 && value > alpha; j--) {
if (!copyGrid[j]) {
copyGrid[j] = 2;
value = Math.min(value, search(copyGrid, depth - 1, alpha));
copyGrid[j] = 0;
if (value > alpha) {
alpha = value;
bestMove = move;
alphaImproved = true;
if (!bestMove) {
return root ? MOVE_LEFT : ACCEPT_DEFEAT_VALUE + evaluate(grid);
// Store search results in the transposition table.
search.table[key] = {
depth: depth,
value: alpha,
move: bestMove,
isBound: !alphaImproved
return root ? bestMove : alpha;
* Evaluates the given grid state.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @param logging: whether to log evaluation computation.
* @return estimated value of grid state.
function evaluate(grid, logging) {
var value = 0;
var positionValue = 0;
var adjDiffValue = 0;
var insulationValue = 0;
var numEmpty = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < GRID_SIZE; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < GRID_SIZE; c++) {
var tile = get(grid, r, c);
if (!tile) {
positionValue += tile * POSITION_VALUE[r * GRID_SIZE + c];
// Perform pairwise comparisons.
if (c < GRID_SIZE - 1) {
var adjTile = get(grid, r, c + 1);
if (adjTile) {
adjDiffValue += levelDifference(tile, adjTile) * Math.log(tile + adjTile);
// Perform triplet comparisons.
if (c < GRID_SIZE - 2) {
var thirdTile = get(grid, r, c + 2);
if (thirdTile && levelDifference(tile, thirdTile) <= 1.1) {
var smallerTile = Math.min(tile, thirdTile);
insulationValue += levelDifference(smallerTile, adjTile) * Math.log(smallerTile);
// Perform pairwise comparisons.
if (r < GRID_SIZE - 1) {
adjTile = get(grid, r + 1, c);
if (adjTile) {
adjDiffValue += levelDifference(tile, adjTile) * Math.log(tile + adjTile);
// Perform triplet comparisons.
if (c < GRID_SIZE - 2) {
var thirdTile = get(grid, r + 2, c);
if (thirdTile && levelDifference(tile, thirdTile) <= 1.1) {
var smallerTile = Math.min(tile, thirdTile);
insulationValue += levelDifference(smallerTile, adjTile) * Math.log(smallerTile);
// Equation for log-like curve that starts at 0, ramps up quickly up
// to 10 at numEmpty = 5, and levels off nearly completed after that.
var numEmptyValue = 11.12249 + (0.05735587 - 11.12249) / (1 + Math.pow((numEmpty / 2.480941), 2.717769));
value += POSITION_WEIGHT * positionValue;
value += NUM_EMPTY_WEIGHT * numEmptyValue;
value += ADJ_DIFF_WEIGHT * adjDiffValue;
value += INSULATION_WEIGHT * insulationValue;
if (logging) {
console.log('EVALUATION ' + value + '\n' +
' position ' + (POSITION_WEIGHT * positionValue) + '\n' +
' numEmpty ' + (NUM_EMPTY_WEIGHT * numEmptyValue) + '\n' +
' adjDiff ' + (ADJ_DIFF_WEIGHT * adjDiffValue) + '\n' +
' insulation ' + (INSULATION_WEIGHT * insulationValue) + '\n'
return value;
* Computes the stack level difference between two tiles.
* @param tile1: first tile value.
* @param tile2: second tile value.
* @return stack level difference between two given tiles.
function levelDifference(tile1, tile2) {
return tile1 > tile2 ? LOG2[tile1] - LOG2[tile2] : LOG2[tile2] - LOG2[tile1];
* Returns the tile value in the grid for a given position.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @param row: position row.
* @param col: position column.
* @return tile value in the grid for given position.
function get(grid, row, col) {
return grid[row * GRID_SIZE + col];
* Sets the tile value in the grid for a given position.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @param row: position row.
* @param col: position column.
* @param tile: new tile value to assign.
function set(grid, row, col, tile) {
grid[row * GRID_SIZE + col] = tile;
* Prints the given grid to the console.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
function print(grid) {
function pad(str, len) {
len -= str.length;
while (len-- > 0)
str = ' ' + str;
return str;
var result = '';
for (var r = 0; r < GRID_SIZE; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < GRID_SIZE; c++) {
var tile = get(grid, r, c);
result += tile ? pad(tile + '', 5) : ' .';
result += '\n';
* Copies the given grid.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @return copy of given grid.
function copy(grid) {
return grid.slice();
* Determines whether the given location is within grid bounds.
* @param row: position row.
* @param col: position column.
* @return whether the given location is within grid bounds.
function inBounds(row, col) {
return 0 <= row && row < GRID_SIZE && 0 <= col && col < GRID_SIZE;
* Makes the given move on the grid without inserting new tile.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @param move: object containing move vectors.
* @return whether the move was made successfully.
function make(grid, move) {
var start = move.dir * (GRID_SIZE - 1);
var end = (1 - move.dir) * (GRID_SIZE + 1) - 1;
var inc = 1 - 2 * move.dir;
var anyMoved = false;
for (var r = start; r != end; r += inc) {
for (var c = start; c != end; c += inc) {
if (get(grid, r, c)) {
var newr = r + move.drow;
var newc = c + move.dcol;
var oldr = r;
var oldc = c;
while (inBounds(newr, newc)) {
var target = get(grid, newr, newc);
var tile = get(grid, oldr, oldc);
if (!target) {
set(grid, newr, newc, tile);
set(grid, oldr, oldc, 0);
anyMoved = true;
else if (target === tile) {
// negative to prevent additional merging
set(grid, newr, newc, -2 * tile);
set(grid, oldr, oldc, 0);
anyMoved = true;
oldr = newr;
oldc = newc;
newr += move.drow;
newc += move.dcol;
if (!anyMoved) {
return false;
var numEmpty = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
if (grid[i] < 0) {
grid[i] *= -1;
else if (!grid[i]) {
if (numEmpty === 0) {
throw 'No empty squares after making move.';
return true;
* Computes hash key for the given game grid.
* @param grid: flat array representation of game grid.
* @return hash key for the given game grid.
function getGridKey(grid) {
if (!getGridKey.table1) {
getGridKey.table1 = {};
getGridKey.table2 = {};
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (var t = 2; t <= 8192; t *= 2) {
var key = t * grid.length + i;
getGridKey.table1[key] = Math.round(0xffffffff * Math.random());
getGridKey.table2[key] = Math.round(0xffffffff * Math.random());
var value1 = 0;
var value2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
var tile = grid[i];
if (tile) {
var key = tile * grid.length + i;
value1 ^= getGridKey.table1[key];
value2 ^= getGridKey.table2[key];
return value1 + '' + value2;
* Constructs current game grid from DOM.
* @return flat array representation of game grid.
function getGrid() {
var tileContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('tile-container')[0];
var tileList = [];
for (var i = 0 ; i < tileContainer.children.length; i++) {
var tile = tileContainer.children[i];
var tileInner = tile.children[0];
var value = parseInt(tileInner.innerHTML);
var className = tile.className;
var positionPrefix = 'tile-position-';
var positionIndex = className.indexOf(positionPrefix) + positionPrefix.length;
var positionStr = className.substring(positionIndex, positionIndex + 3);
var row = parseInt(positionStr[2]) - 1;
var col = parseInt(positionStr[0]) - 1;
value: value,
row: row,
col: col
var grid = new Array(GRID_SIZE * GRID_SIZE);
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
grid[i] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tileList.length; i++) {
var tile = tileList[i];
set(grid, tile.row, tile.col, tile.value);
return grid;
* Emulates a keypress for a given move.
* @param move: object containing key information.
function pressKey(move) {
var event = new Event('keydown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
event.altKey = false;
event.char = '';
event.charCode = 0;
event.ctrlKey = false;
event.defaultPrevented = false;
event.eventPhase = 3;
event.isTrusted = true;
event.key = move.key;
event.keyCode = move.keyCode;
event.locale = 'en-CA';
event.location = 0;
event.metaKey = false;
event.repeat = false;
event.shiftKey = false;
event.which = move.keyCode;
* Determines whether the current game has been lost from the DOM.
* @return whether current game has concluded.
function gameLost() {
var gameMessage = document.getElementsByClassName('game-message')[0];
return gameMessage.className.indexOf('game-over') >= 0;
* Determines whether the current game has been won from the DOM.
* @return whether current game has concluded.
function gameWon() {
var gameMessage = document.getElementsByClassName('game-message')[0];
return gameMessage.className.indexOf('game-won') >= 0;
* Starts a new game when the current game has concluded.
function tryAgain() {
var retryButton = document.getElementsByClassName('retry-button')[0];
* Continues the game when the current game has been won.
function keepPlaying() {
var keepPlayingButton = document.getElementsByClassName('keep-playing-button')[0];
* Gets the current score from the DOM.
* @return current score of game.
function getScore() {
var scoreContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('score-container')[0];
return parseInt(scoreContainer.innerHTML);
* Gets the best score from the DOM.
* @return best score in all games.
function getBestScore() {
var bestContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('best-container')[0];
return parseInt(bestContainer.innerHTML);